And a stabbing license
Nah man, ZSH all day
OnE oF uS
Nah, Trump coins the real hot take nowadays
Fatal Frame, also could use a remake of 1 and 3. 2 got the Wii rerelease. I just want ones with a good English Japanese accented dub ala Ghost of Tsushima
And I’m going to defend Apple here. It wasn’t a flop of a launch, they never intended it to be really sold to consumers in the first place. That was an experiment more than anything else
Gun firing sound effects Ahahahahahahahahah! Keep the change ya filthy animal
It does mention Signal lower down the article
Yeeahhh, they’re talking to like Grandma who barely knows what a text message is
Though he could put Vance or another one of his cronies on that platform.
Yeah. I just thought the YouTube vid was a fairly clear and well explained overview / summary of the entire situation.
Looks at time. Oh wow, that was only 24 years ago HaHa!
^ this is correct.
LDS / Mormon here, it’s the logo for Deseret,
Same thing with Deseret industries or anything under that sub moniker
I’d say I agree to a point. I think Cloud is what makes the storyline what it is, but at the same time. I’d agree that his character could’ve been fleshed out a bit more in a lot of ways. Especially in his relationships with Aerith, Sephiroth and Zack.
And it’s further backed up by the change you can see in him when he learns the WHOLE truth and how he does a 180 as a character.
Like for example. I genuinely like Wakka from Final Fantasy X and think he’s a great character with a lot of development. He has a genuine albeit misguided reason to hate the people he does given his situation, his firm beliefs in Yevon and to not spoil an over a decade old game his brother’s death.
Plus he has a great character development point throughout the game that lessens his hate towards the Al bhed and even sees him developing a genuine friendship with Rikku and the other Al Bhed to some degree
*It is kept by those who are married … And have a really awkward relationship