As an Apple fan who’s used Macintosh’s since the Mac Plus, no. Apple’s software choices have gone downhill over the years and they’re now firmly entrenched in their “Our way or the highway” mentality. Remember when Apple’s marketing was “Think Different?”.
Even today, opening a Finder window (which infuriatingly still doesn’t have a shortcut) using the shortcut for search (Option-Command-Space) brought up the window BENEATH other apps ON A DIFFERENT MONITOR. I mean, what the actual F?
And I don’t want to get started on their impossible window management without Rectangle or the hideous text unless you’re using a HiDPI monitor the way Apple wants you too. Why would I pay for a 4K monitor to get 1080P resolution?
You’re right about the software downloads though. You did forget to mention the ages it takes to install. Somehow Apple makes Windows updates looking speedy in comparison.
Rant over.
I want the hardware, not the software. At least Apple isn’t locking that.
I do miss Windows Phone. It was awesome and the Nokia I had was one of my favorite phones. I mean, I’m sure Microsoft would have destroyed it if they didn’t already kill it, but I did love it.