I have a pi-hole. And my asus router can probably close all outbound traffic. I also think USB printing is fine tbh. I don’t need AirPrint.
I have a pi-hole. And my asus router can probably close all outbound traffic. I also think USB printing is fine tbh. I don’t need AirPrint.
Isn’t the concern that if you infect a printer locally, you can use that to “pivot” to another device on that network that IS connected to the internet?
This is being widely reported, but I still haven’t been able to figure out exactly what printers and what firmwares this is applying to. I’ve got a brother laser printer, but it’s been unplugged for a few weeks now as I moved around my home office. I do usually use it on wi-fi for wireless network printing, but I haven’t tapped update on it for months. I would like to know what I should look for to identify if this is an issue for me.
Obviously I’ve got a few possible scenarios: 1 - my printer is updated past this firmware already: A. I can only buy brother toner B. I figure out to downgrade, which sounds tricky. C. I buy a new(old) printer? 2 - my printer isn’t updated: A. I turn off network functions on it entirely, printing using the USB port or with a USB cable. B. I block internet access on my network, but allow it to work locally. This is potentially risky if i do setup wrong or change my network config and forget about it. C. I say fuck it and only buy brother toner since it’s probably going to impact pricing either way
I’d really like to think that the governments of states like California, Oregon, Washington, and New York would work with Canada to resist this stupid stunt and offer to instead become canadian provinces. I mean, if we’re doing stupid shit about control of borders or whatever, and these states are already being attacked by Trump and giving more to the Fed than they’re taking back, why not just offer our GDP to Canada in exchange for a functioning Federal government, with healthcare for our citizens too?
Yes, this is true. And I think the industry managed to pull together a pretty decent one.
This is not true. I don’t understand why you’re even saying this obvious both-sides propaganda after the election. Harris would not have tanked the economy like Trump’s about to. Biden recovered the damage trump did in his first term and it’s reasonable to think Harris would have continued that trend.
The ESRB isn’t awful, it’s not perfect of course, but I think it’s pretty dang good for what it is.
Yeah what’re they gunna do to me, double Dutch my ass in another country for posting a meme?
Is this father of dropout.tv’s Sam Reich, Robert Reich?
I’ve been saying that we need to have a law on the books to require any online components of a game be required to have the source to those features be released upon closure of the online service. I would be fine with them then being except from any security liability for anyone who gets hacked by use of that software and even retaining ownership of the IP, so no one could sell access to the service, but being able to stand up fan-run servers for old Xbox-live games or dead MMOs more easily would be really great. I’m locked out of so many PlayStation trophies simply because online servers have been down for ages now.
They’re right. I have been using old videos games for recreation. Too bad that they’ve decided to prevent me from paying for the privilege or at least being tracked through library usage and have instead decided it’d be better if I was just an untrackable “criminal”
Either way, I’m enjoying these old games and living my life guilt free.
Yum brands has always been at the forefront of using tech to sell fast food. This was true then and is true now. Taco Bell has pioneered kiosks and in-app ordering as well as KDS in QSR environments.
You’re right, the satanic temple has never been successful at eliminating religious favor from government policy by overtly using religious law to do something shocking.
I really hate to defend this guy because he clearly sucks. But honestly: smart move. Your phone password and much of the contents of your phone should be considered speech and you shouldn’t be compelled to testify against yourself. That said, if this phone was government property then he shouldn’t have been the only one capable of unlocking it, which is a policy failure.
This is such a bad take. You’re seriously comparing the purchase of a tool brand for students to child grooming? Jesus dude. A computer is simply a tool, and Apple made one for an education market and price that was complete and convenient for that purpose. This is just as “bad” as them relying on all Pearson branded materials. Are there problems there? Yes, obviously. Pearson has market-based motives to keep schools on their materials and so they have tests that lean in on their text books and it’s all kinda gross. But it’s not like the answer is “let’s all just read Wikipedia in class” or “let’s compare all the different source books and find the real truth” as great as that would be, it’s just not realistic and the one reference isn’t particularly bad, it’s just not the best possible. I guess all that to say chill he fuck out, the solution to everything isn’t open source.
I make 100k and haven’t donated $150. Am I a bad person?
Thanks to the Baldur’s Gate 3 hype, decided to finally jump into a CRPG and went with Divinity Original Sin 2 DE after trying Pillars of Eternity DE. I tried before, but didn’t have the right mindset.
Loving DOS2 now!
OP’s take makes me wonder: am I a badass for walking around completely unarmed and also not afraid?
I don’t really understand your snippet. But yeah i think the issue with IoT devices having connection to any other network device at all is that if they have a security hole that can be exploited through a malicious USB drive or BT or any other compromised device it can connect to, that it can act maliciously in a number of ways. The only true security for devices that can’t get patched is a complete air gap for any connected devices.