Wondering if they have fixed their camera software to keep Auto HDR off?
It is acceptable if it just used to lay a strong foundation for the work towards a solution. Instead you will probably get another such answer if you come back after doing it and then total silence while you keeping refreshing.
When did this happen?
It is indeed true that the overall mechanism of handling widgets is bothersome.
Presently I have settled on DPI of 92, font as Open Sans Regular, size at 10.
Firefox fonts are still blurry.
I think I may have found out the cause. It is probably because default sorting is set to Top Day rather than Hot. If the community is low activity, there is no top post for that day and results are blank. Changing the sort type to Hot produces results. I think Alexandrite is the only UI with default set to Hot and rest are in Top Day mode probably.
I have logged into each UI. Take example of this community. In the default UI I could see one 3 hour old post which was specifically marked English but nothing else. After trying to fiddle with language settings thinking it could be that issue, later all posts disappeared. But Alexandrite showed everything.
One reason is that YouTube needs to be certain minimum length to qualify for monetisation or to enter trending.
Then that is not for me yet.
Stable and rolling for regular people OS.
Is that usable for regular Joe or enthusiast grade?
Oh my, I was thinking that there has been a recent development and they sold out or something.
I had some interactions with him in VLC forum and he was still active there answering questions personally.
I hope they continue the good work.
What happened with VLC? This is the first time I am hearing it.
This is on the desktop. On the phone within Firefox I do not see any option to change the font, so I am guessing it uses whatever the system gives it.
Boss, any chance of continuation?
I have high hopes for this projects. Please continue.
This is not Windows’ fault here. It has not been doing it for the past 10+ years. I think this has happened due to either some random hardware issue or bad BIOS update.
I did a reset by selecting Optimised settings but the story remains the same. I probably need to flash an older BIOS and check.