You can edit post titles as well as content (even images!) on Lemmy.
You can edit post titles as well as content (even images!) on Lemmy.
This comment got progressively better the more I read it
The pain is real. Now I wanna design/implement a programming language in the Egyptian dialect (j/k. fuck no)
He’s basically pressing buttons to see what sticks
As an African citizen I completely agree with this. We don’t even need internet here. In fact, I’m posting this reply via carrier pigeons.
It’s like we’re living in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, but without the fucking cool shit
So the hotdog/not hotdog algorithm is finally out?
And good luck if you’re allergic to fish
Found the Ger(wo)man.
laughs in home-manager
I hate that I knew of this beforehand.
Water is last year’s news. Helium is the new water now.
Plot twist: they’re applying for a barista position.
I doubt that many know of it. Unless it somehow made it TikTok through all these years.
So it’s like the game? (P.S you just lost it too)
data compression by nature incurs dataloss
What? It’s not a jpeg file. It’s a lossless compression algorithm.
Just recovered from that honeypot. Holy shit.
Go for it. It’s a bullshit attention grab. No backdoor, just some undocumented vendor commands (which is the norm for virtually every chip out there).