At last, HPMoR has a worthy successor.
At last, HPMoR has a worthy successor.
Downvote him all you want, but if we’re not talking about white Americans or, for that matter, Europeans, whom are we talking about?
Also, guilty as charged.
True, and besides, that dirt road looks pretty legit even for cars, so what’s all that about?
Morning shower is DA THING.
Very true, but 2009 Wolfenstein isn’t underrated. It’s exactly correctly-rated.
That badly. Updates made it better, though.
The MI6 is a lot older than I thought.
The fuelling hoses drop down once you pay. Article: https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/flying-saucer-gas-stations/
Someone said a beautiful thing on the internet: think of playing a game like visiting a friend. You casually pop by as often as you feel like it. Some friends are really once-a-year material.
I recently picked up Derail Valley after an 8-month hiatus, and almost doubled my hours in that game over the course of two weeks (it was a lot of playing). I just felt like it.
Imagine still living in 1937. #USA
Just FYI, most open source software is not in public domain, it is protected by the same copyright we are talking about here, except the author made it available under certain conditions (the licence).
Always at war with Eastasia.
If you’re getting 650 Mbps, all of your hardware is definitely capable of running 1 Gbps, as the test with desktops is showing (you can hardly get more than 950Mbps from 1GBps hardware in reality). If it weren’t, it’d probably run at 100 Mbps.
Read the fine print of the ISP plan to see how the bandwidth is allocated. It may be something like “1000 Mbps total, 700 down/300 up”. In that case, you’re getting what was advertised: about 700 Mbps downlink, and the rest will be uplink. My ISP advertises 1000/50, and they’re true to both, so I get blisteringly fast downlink, but abysmal uplink. A friend of mine has 500/500, which is IMO much better, but that ISP doesn’t have coverage in my building.
Anything of note that Mozilla didn’t already cover? https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/blog/privacy-nightmare-on-wheels-every-car-brand-reviewed-by-mozilla-including-ford-volkswagen-and-toyota-flunks-privacy-test/
What if the caped guy actually named a mighty fish instead of siding with one of two wrong answers?
I’ve definitely met my share of nuclear Karens.
This is the way.
Did you earn an iron urn?
Braille isn’t very good for quick discernment. It’s much easier to put differently-shaped buttons together or put buttons into different places.
You mean the best 1000 pages of your life?