Admin of lemmy.CapeBreton
Glad to see another Lemmy.CapeBreton community :) , !
I just started watching this series.
It is very, very good 👍
slackware was my first distro as well, I think I still have the book and cd for it in a box somewhere.
Confirmed working links in sync … woo hoo
Thanks for putting this together, nice to see one of my own communities listed
Adding a link for my sync bros
Never an apple guy but I appreciate Woz … He was a good foil to jobs
EDIT: not exactly what you are looking for but a great instance nonetheless
You should try it some time, just for the learning exercise :)
I won’t invalidate the writers experience , I just want to add that that hasn’t been my experience with properly configured environments (not saying the writers was improperly configured, it clearly wasn’t).
Has this been your experience?
No problem, it was/is an interesting project that took me 20 years to come across :)
Oh, and if you are who I think you are-- thank you for everything!
I wouldn’t even waste that much thought about it.
It will (or should) be up to an instance what they wish to federate with.
I like email the way it is and believe it functions as most people desire.
Everything you mention already exists for email (ie discussion groups exist, encryption exists, etc…)
The key thing is that it works now and you can easily host your own mail server to achieve whatever you desire feature wise
I’ll admit that the hackers I was thinking of when I first found this book were more of the 1337 variety, so I tossed it aside …
years later I came back to it and have read it multiple times now.
Mainly when I’m running as it keeps me more mindful of my pace/effort and while commuting to dull the pain.
Chairs are awesome, I sit upon one as I type this.
ty bro 👍
EDIT: fixed op as well
Eventually one will rule them all
Great podcast! 👍