he has that
“This dead chick looks better than the goat been tapping”
look on his face
and a whole 1250 pages about him taxing it
Still a very green banana.
he has that
“This dead chick looks better than the goat been tapping”
look on his face
and a whole 1250 pages about him taxing it
thanks Ortiz for doing more than even Biden ever would have done during any of his time as a politician
maybe real Democrats do exist
US had any kind of innovation to stall to begin with?
must have missed that
Sanders has only and always been just hot air like rest of the Democrats except Al
never had a non-white president
would love to have had real representation and it would have been cool to see someone that looks like me or the people out of our window here
Obama was as white as Biden and got just as much done like any other do nothing Democrat
just as much in the way of progress as Republicans and both parties need to thrown out
none of you Democrat fucks matter sold all of us out to pad your pockets and now look where we are
yet the few citizens voting/allowed to vote keep voting for Democrats or Republicans saying their party is right but it is all the same team
obvious neither party is on our side
Removed by mod
Better off being sent up to join Willzyx
issue is the rigged elections
no matter what the checkwriters win in this rigged game that always pays the house
blaming your fellow sick, underpaid, underfunded education systemed citizens for the destruction of the 1% only helps your jailers
parks are getting setup to be stripped mined of resources and the areas polluted by the efforts
was happening under the Democrats watch too just with more finesse but since both parties are paid from the same checkbook we as citizens are just forced to watch the strip mining of our country with no way out
United States has speeding camera technologies but refuses to utilize it along with other modern traffic tools that would lessen how many police we need
the future is held back from us on purpose because it is harder to subjugate a society that has access to tools
why wait?
fuck you Democrats
y’all have been nowhere when the minimum wage needed to be increased at least three times the current set limit just to start to put a dent in being able to afford to live and have rubbed shoulders with Republicans at celebrity filled galas while your voters begged for floor time to talk about current issues
even Roe v. Wade fell on your watch and Democrats never bothered to do much in the decades between when it was first ruled and now to begin with
nothing but empty promises about workers’ rights and universal healthcare
Democrats quit being a political party that serves the people a long time ago and some new face is not going to change anything
incorrect it is on the defense
The burden of proof is on the prosecutor for criminal cases, and the defendant is presumed innocent. If the claimant fails to discharge the burden of proof to prove their case, the claim will be dismissed.
even wikipedia has it wrong
in the United States it is on the defense to pay for and to provide evidence because the prosecutor makes up anything they want along with whatever the jackboots in the case states happens with the judge going along with it in complicity and the defendant is presumed guilty throughout the entire process and even if the defendant proves their innocence the claim may not be dismissed
been an issue since farmers started using nitrates and it continues to flow downstream to other states and on out to the Gulf of Mexico
none of our paid off political leaders give any shits
first actual uppity, entitled african american ever to exist
none of which helps when again coupled with poor environmental protections, low education funding, higher police funding, low minimum wage with less worker protections, and no universal healthcare
yes let us blame low paid, not given proper education, no proper healthcare due to bipartisan horseshit citizens for the takeover of the United States
not the polluters, the owners of industry mistreating workers, not the toxic media pumped out by the owning class
future US food pantry