you sound like an asshole btw
you sound like an asshole btw
Reading this headline instantly brought a huge smile to my face 😁
Are we all doomed to repeat a cycle until the Earth dies?
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. It seems like everyone has something or someone they want to blame for all this. “The problem is the internet, the problem is social media, etc…” when honestly I think it is really just a humanity problem. Watching documentaries or reading stuff on history also helps me cope because it becomes very apparent none of this is new. The people who lived during the crusades or “witch” burnings or any other horrific time… they had to deal with constant injustice. Why should it be any different for us just because we are a few more centuries ahead?
I’ve hated him since the “that pedo guy” incident years ago… I think that is when people started really waking up to the fact he’s an incredibly insecure manchild. A bunch of poor kids trapped in a cave… “how can I make this about ME?”
Are you like… 10 years old? You clearly have internet access so I can’t see any other reason why you wouldn’t know. All of that man’s misdeeds are clear as day, just open and read the news tab for once in your life.
Why are people so offended over the fact there are some ppl who don’t like phone calls? 🤷♀️ who cares
Don’t you sound like a peach!
imagine how terrible he would look if he wasn’t the richest man in the world
He’s a gay writer/filmmaker… has produced some real trashy stuff lol.
Ooo I read OP’s comment a bit different like maybe… we (as a whole country, not any certain political party or movement) are sacrificing this CEO to relieve/ease our collective suffering at the hands of our shit healthcare system. It would be easier and much less heartache to just, y’know, fix the system but alas we are in a weird cult.
what do you even think justice means my dude?
Yes, danieljackson?
That’s one adorable kitty you got there!
It struck me reading your comment that there is literally nothing that all Americans believe in “universally” and that makes me super sad.
i think there is very real fear women have to take into account whenever considering getting involved with any man. you don’t really know if he is a shitty person until you have invested some time into him, and that has its own costs. the risk of getting impregnated, ditched, and stuck with the bill is just too big. these days… even more so. i think this is a very natural outcome in the face of the rampant misogyny (in the case of S Korea) or revocation of reproductive rights (USA)
“to make you mad” – lol… not everyone thinks like you, just doing things for no other reason than being spiteful.
call me hopelessly naiive but just… why? the why is what i can never wrap my head around? why do they want to destroy the country? do they hate it? and like… why would people want to get rid of social security? do they just want people after 65 years old to… die? why?? i’m so sad…
honestly by the tone, i don’t think its meant to be
i like you