I can block users I don’t want visiting my site? I can’t speak for every web developer, but I’m all in for this. Saves me time and money too. Hell yeah!
This virtue signalling of how “internet freedom” only applies to users is showing its consequences. Users don’t want ads or trackers, that’s fine. But you want all the things that are funded by it? You can keep using adblock, Online platforms may be soon able to block you too. No ads and trackers for you, No wasted resource for the website. Everyone is happy
Everyone in here/reddit is always whining about the old internet, but nobody ever takes time to do any thing to contribute to it.
And these strawman arguments are what people in a bubble make up to give themselves a pat in a back. You don’t want to use it, then don’t. let people who want to use it. Aren’t you for “Internet freedom” or does that just apply to your contrived version of reality when you’re the main character?
It means whatever you want it to mean. Go wild!