I don’t browse at all on mobile now.
I only use old.reddit on the desktop occasionally now. My Reddit usage has dropped by 80% now I think.
I’ve personally found that usenet isn’t that good unless you’re trying to grab things immediately. I find trying to grab older stuff really hit or miss, mostly miss.
A Serbian Film.
IIRC from when I was modding, the automod rules have a history function so even if they were deleted, the new mods could see and reinstate the rules quite easily.
I didn’t actually see it was from Reddit. I was like WTF, promoted ads here now.
The main thing I love about Waze which Apple Maps and Google don’t have is the ability to have the always on speed limit.
I know Google shows the speed limit sometimes when navigating, I just liked Waze better because I can have it always on.
Furry and hentai, I mean, cool if that’s your thing but I have no interest in seeing it.