Inside the pot: slowly boiling water
Outside the pot: raging inferno that is heating the pot
When given the option to slowly boil, or jump into a raging inferno, I think most people would think twice about jumping out of the pot.
Inside the pot: slowly boiling water
Outside the pot: raging inferno that is heating the pot
When given the option to slowly boil, or jump into a raging inferno, I think most people would think twice about jumping out of the pot.
Just off the top of my head, they could be using the evidence of a person donating to a torrent group as probable cause to see what other illegal activity that person has been up to…
I was mostly joking in response to why a torrent tracker would be asking for donations in a cryptocurrency that can be traced…
Unless the site has been high jacked by the feds and they want to be able to track people 🧐
Yeah, if you manage to find anything please send me a PM. I have access to a private tracker that does have some STL files but I would really like to get into Materialize…
Have you not seen the Flipper Zero?
After Trumps assassination attempt, allowing you to buy as many guns and as much ammo is as you want is not a certainty.
In reality I would do what most people would and just keep to myself…
Just thought I would add some comedy to the thread 😎
“Im sorry, but you are fucking stunning… if I told you you had an amazing body, would you hold it against me?” cue cheesy smile
It’s probably not going to get me anywhere but it might make her laugh, or at least not file sexual harassment charges for speaking to her… lol
Thank you for taking the time to write that.
I generally agree the current system is broken, both sides have no interest in doing what’s best for humans.
I came here not trying to convince anyone that Harris is good, but that Trump is worse.
I read articles just yesterday about Trump talking to Netanyahu almost every day to undermine any talks that may have stopped Israel’s genocide.
Between that and the fact that Trump is spouting fascist rhetoric, in my opinion, he is worse than Harris.
Did you have a point? I understand the societal construct.
I also understand that sometimes you have to play the game long enough to understand how to dismantle it.
Not because figuring out the game is hard, but because you have to get enough people to on your side to make sure you succeed.
Please, enlighten me then, how allowing Trump to get into office is the better alternative?
Oh, you don’t support Red or Blue?
Tell me how we get someone that’s not either of these fucks into the White House?
I’ll look into those.
I agree that both sides are never going to actually do anything to make life for the “rest of us” better.
Im tired of the political show both sides do where they are “weekend at bernies”ing the constitution,
Unfortunately I remember all of the bad things Trump did while in office, and I’ve heard enough bullshit from him this time around that I feel like his desire to become a dictator is enough to speak up about preventing his ascension to power again.
The message I’ve been trying to convey in all of these posts is that if Trump wins we may not get a chance to vote someone better next time.
I don’t agree with Harris’ stance on Israel, I don’t agree with lots of things going on.
I just want to have the chance to change it eventually, especially as the Boomer generation dies out from old age.
Whoever it takes to keep Trump for winning.
I agree we need a socialist revolution. I just feel like it will be easier to organize something like that if we still have a democracy to influence.
Where I live, the last several elections have seen every county go Red. It doesn’t even matter how I vote.
That being said I have also voted third party the last few elections.
Do I want the genocide to end? Fuck yeah I do, but I also don’t want it to start here in America.
In the current political landscape, if you don’t vote Red or Blue you are giving your vote to whichever way your state swings.
Even if I agree both sides are shit, I don’t want to allow the narcissist, racist, xenophobic, fascist, felon, wanna be dictator to get back in power and dismantle our democracy.
I would like us to swing so far left it makes Rupert Murdochs head spin, but I’ll take the not-fascist if that’s all I can get.
Oh I understand, but Regan repealed many laws that were holding corporations in check. Since Regan things have exponentially gotten worse.
I agree wholeheartedly, I am in full support of full autonomy no matter what.
You’ll have to ask Obama why he didn’t. I can’t control political asshats, just like political asshats shouldn’t be controlling abortion rights.
I understand, but like lots of people in America I was born here and have have had my wages suppressed because of multiple “once in a lifetime” financial crises to the point I can’t afford to travel, and therefore I can’t afford to immigrate.