• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • trafguy@midwest.socialtoADHD memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comtitle 1
    2 years ago

    Good to hear! Next step is to look at why it didn’t fit. Where do dimensions need tweaked? Is the printer calibrated correctly and printing at 1:1 scale? I’m not sure how to recalibrate if the printer is the problem, but you could scale the whole print up/down when you generate the print file.

    To test the printer, make a simple cube that’s something like 1" on each side. I’d use 25mm for metric. Then, check how large the final print is. You’ll want to check each direction since there are different stepper motors controlling each axis of movement, so each one could be slightly different

  • trafguy@midwest.socialtoADHD memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comtitle 1
    2 years ago

    I’ll second getting digital calipers to make things easy. I should really just buy a pair myself already, I’ve just been making do with a ruler.

    FreeCad is another free option I don’t see mentioend yet. It works but is frustrating to use because it’s buggy and fights with you.

    Generally, I think of 3D design like legos or scultping. You need to build pieces and “glue” them together. It’s okay to have 2 objects taking up the same space too. If you can imagine 3D objects and how they fit together you’ll find it a bit easier.

  • trafguy@midwest.socialtoADHD memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comtitle 1
    2 years ago

    I hope your new diagnosis helps you. And for what it’s worth, I don’t think it’s possible to be a failure, but I do understand the pain of defeat. Thinking more about it, defeat seems like the pain of wanting something, believing (correctly or otherwise) that it’s impossible, and then continuing to hold onto that desire. It’s the gap between what we believe to be possible and our expectations, not all that different from grief.

    If you keep at it, I think you’ll figure out how to achieve something you can call success. Learning more about how you think, what motivates you, and what holds you back can help a lot with choosing realistic and satisfying goals.

    • Crafting bows to hunt. Wood selection, shaping, tillering, natural bowstring materials.
    • Some edible wild plants
    • Some basic farming knowledge
    • Some construction/shelter repair techniques
    • Algebra and concepts of calculus, and why they’re useful
    • How to preserve foods
    • Basic concepts of electricity’s importance and how to make it, but someone would need to explain how to go from raw material to a functional wire, find some rare earth magnets, and figure out how to make LEDs or something else worth using the electricity for.
    • The scientific method
    • Concepts of how to engineer/design a solution to a problem
    • Troubleshooting techniques
    • Some basic concepts of boat stability and construction
    • Some concepts of modern psychology
    • Concepts of critical thinking and rejection of groupthink
    • Basic physics. Loose explanations of kinematic equations, gravity, friction, pendulums, air resistance, aerodynamics, basic concepts of rocketry and flight/parachutes/gliders
    • Evaporative cooling? I could describe the concepts of modern air conditioning, but that doesn’t seem useful yet.
    • I could probably work out how a windmill works, how to make a wagon, how to purify water, how to make water-tight storage.
    • Germ Theory
    • The Paradox of Tolerance
    • How pasteurization works
    • Fermentation, concepts of distillation
    • Basic oral hygiene? Habits of at least rinsing sugar out of your mouth afterwards, if brushes aren’t available.
    • Use of alcohol and heat as antiseptics. Suggestion to use honey in a pinch
    • Basic concepts of how magnifying lenses work and why they’re important

  • I think you’d need to start by getting them to admit that the heat is a problem without mentioning climate change. Don’t use any of the buzz words they’ve been taught how to respond to. Just try to get them to have a conversation where they have to come up with their own answers.

    In fact, maybe don’t even start off with anything related to the topics they’ve been told what to think about. Ask about something they care about more directly that isn’t on their party’s agenda. You’d need to keep at it long enough for them to start understanding you’re not their enemy, which could be anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks/months, depending on how deeply entrenched they are. Then, start trying to work towards the lesser issues their authority doesn’t bring up often but has expressed an opinion on. Basically, you need to de-indoctrinate them.

    If you can get them to talk about an issue without recognizing immediately that they’re in danger of contradicting their chosen authorities, then slowly transition towards getting them to talk about more and more “dangerous” topics, you might help them to bridge that disconnect and start thinking critically about the key issues.

    That all said, You’ll have an easier time working with people who haven’t been deeply entrenched in an authoritarian ideology. The less developed their beliefs, the easier it’ll be to guide them towards thinking about their beliefs critically. That’s one reason it’s so important to teach critical thinking in primary/secondary schools.

  • logic will never convince them because they aren’t arguing from a position of logic. It’s about conforming to the beliefs required to be part of their tribe and/or protecting themselves from coming to terms with the harsh realities of climate change. It’s reactionary against a challenge to their beliefs.

    You would need to first convince them to consider that their respected authorities could be wrong. But within this reactionary mindset, being wrong is disgraceful. So unless they lose respect for their leaders or manage to shift away from believing fallibility is disgraceful, I don’t know if they can be convinced.

  • If you have good insurance it’s no nearly that much. Weekly, with good insurance, you’re looking at ~$20-30. Without insurance, with a payment plan for low income individuals, you can find discounted care around $60-70/session fairly easily. They didn’t check my income when I was offered that, just in response to me mentioning I might need to quit when my insurance was shit for a year or two.

    The Secular Therapy Project may be worth looking at. It focuses on specifically finding non-theist care providers, but as I understand it, you’ll be less likely to find non-evidence based providers, so somewhat better outcomes.

    Ultimately, therapy is a space for you to work through your own issues with the help of a trained professional who can guide you, but imprecisely. They’ll offer tools, and it’s up to you to figure out how to use them in a way that suits you. The tools can work, but only so much as you are willing to learn to apply them for your own benefit. Some will suit you better than others. It’s hard to have that much patience to continue trying new approaches, introspecting, and growing two steps forward and one step back, but it’s worth it. Ultimately, as cliche as this probably sounds, every day you’re putting in that effort, trying to see the good, reaching towards contentedness and your dreams, is a small victory. It’s a step in the right direction.

    *these prices are for US healthcare prividers. It may be different elsewhere.

  • I’m a little new to the terminology, so to clarify, the switching current refers to the amperage across the terminals other than the coil, right? I’m definitely within those limits; I don’t expect to transfer more than ~1/8 of the maximum amperage.

    Is there a rule of thumb for the minimum current I should allow across the coil? The only specification I see on the datasheet for coil amperage is that it was tested to failure at 100mA. I don’t think power consumption is too big of a deal with this use case, but resistive heating sounds like it could shorten component life (and even if it’s only a secondary consideration here, I’d still prefer to minimize waste).

  • Thanks, I don’t think there are any external settings for the power supply, but it does provide a few more volts than I strictly need. Toggling a single relay hasn’t caused me any issues in the limited testing I’ve done. A momentary drop to as low as 5V should be perfectly fine, although, looking over the specs for my components, I see I’m getting dangerously close to the upper limits for the power supply’s current rating. I’ll have to look into connecting 2 supplies in parallel (or getting a larger supply) I suppose.

    I haven’t worked with battery backups yet, so I was thinking it would be best to keep that element simple to minimize potential issues like a trickle charge draining the battery unexpectedly, or damaging the battery from overcharge. The minimum requirement is just to ensure the hardware (a motorized ball valve) returns to a closed position if power is lost. The battery needs to provide at least 9V to power the motor, so I could use a 9V (or a few smaller cells in series) to keep it below the 12V supply.

    With your solution using a diode on each voltage source, would there be any risk of a trickle charge draining the battery unexpectedly if the battery? If so, in that configuration I’d need to do more research and figure out how to use a BMS, rather than an externally recharged or disposable cell.

  • Yeah, I haven’t been around here too long either, but it feels like something interesting is happening for sure. There’s tons of memes, but there’s definitely also some interesting non-meme content. It’s shaping up to be a replacement for the core of what made Reddit work, hopefully while learning what not to do along the way. I know of at least 1-2 new apps on the way from seasoned 3rd party Reddit devs. Sync (!syncforlemmy@lemmy.world) will likely become my app of choice when it’s available.

    The biggest issue I’m seeing right now is the amount of data we’re asking server admins to store as far as long-term sustainability. In a Lemmy Support community, I saw one admin saying their 1k-user instance was gobbling up an extra GB of disk space daily. I wonder if the devs could overhaul the content distribution system to reduce the number of copies of data stored? Maybe clusters where each cluster is a “core federation” inner circle that shares/mirrors content with each other (basically a pact to distribute seeding the network), then more loosely federated servers that are allowed to view/share data without fully mirroring all relevant content.

    So many subs got shut down, and some definitely were questionable at best, but in it, Reddit organic feel and freedom

    While I agree that deplatforming should be very cautiously and judiciously approached, I will say that there is some content that should be blocked for the sake of preservation of tolerance. I don’t care whether the topic of discussion is legal, I care if it’s ethical. Hate speech has, and does, encourage real violence against innocent parties. When the goal post keeps moving for the sake of attracting investors or silence activism, rather than focusing solely on user experience, we start to see unreasonable restrictions on free communication. With federation and open source software, there’s no way to stop neonazis from setting up their own network, provided DNS is willing to point to them, but that doesn’t mean we should assist in growing their ideology/platform.

    Not to mention moderation was being done by a shrinking number of people and it seemed the echo chamber in each individual sub got worse.

    I wonder if this might be a reflection on increasingly difficult times for many people as cost of living exceeds income? Moderation takes real work. It’s unpaid and generally quite thankless. If would-be mods are bogged down with real-world problems, they’ll have less energy to devote to volunteering.

  • I generally agree with you. I don’t know that it matters so much whether articles are posted, it matters more that people continue to speak against the ideology and don’t allow fascists to take the stage. Seeing others’ support a cause lends it credence. Seeing that a cause exists lends some, but not as much as active support would. Seeing people voice disapproval helps to take away that credibility.

    That said, the principle generally makes sense that spreading an ideology’s message helps that ideology spread. The impact of posting an article on Lemmy is likely to be small, but non-zero. It’s a matter of providing access to a fresh audience. Fox’s viewers are thoroughly saturated with hateful rhetoric already, so there aren’t many left to radicalize who can be reached by that message. Exposing a fresh audience to the content expands its reach and potentially radicalizes new people. Plus, exposure to new hateful messages can deepen the entrenchment of those who are already caught in the web.