Das ist ja das gute, das Verfassungsgericht ist unabhängig von der Regierung!
Das ist ja das gute, das Verfassungsgericht ist unabhängig von der Regierung!
Habe zum zweiten Mal Project Hail Mary (“der Astronaut” auf deutsch) gelesen und jede Seite genossen.
In Flames - super! Viel Spaß dabei
Because canonical removed packages from apt to prevent users to install their apps from apt instead. Firefox for example.
Firefox from Apt is a link to a snap!
This is some bullshit level activity that I do not want.
I moved away from Microsoft to not have to deal with such an annoyance. Now canonical is doing it to their users.
Avoiding snaps on Ubuntu sadly is not an option anymore. Maybe go for pop!_os Instead of Ubuntu.
Ironically their leader pays porn stars to have sex with him which obviously is not a problem for their voters.
So und wohin schieben wir die Täter jetzt ab Herr Scholz? Und wer zum fick ist so am Sack, dass er einem Grundschulkind mit dem Fuß ins Gesicht tritt? Dieser Abschaum widert mich so unfassbar an.
Wo Aussage von rot/grün, dass FDP damit Koalitionsvertrag bricht?
Nah, they tried to sell their own “non-intrusive” ads after blocking the sites’ ads.
Pop os+ Nvidia 3090 user here, no problems
Got exactly that with a VW e up.
Ah, Autokorrektur 🙈
Nein, 500€ Förderung für ein Balkonkraftwerk, was aber vor dem Kauf beantragt werden muss
Das mit der Förderung in Berlin hätten sie den beiden ja schon sagen können😤
Edith: Förderung statt Forderung
HLI dass Bayern bis zum Bodensee geht
Ja, frag ich mich auch. Egal ob Supermarkt oder MeTzGeR dEs VeRtRaUeNs
Einfach nur ekelhaft… Wie sind die Leute die das den Tieren antun mit sich selbst im reinen?
Very interesting, thanks for sharing!
I know it’s just anecdotal evidence, however fail2ban in my one machine which does need ssh on port 22 to the open internet bans a lot of IPs every hour. All other ones with ssh on a higher port do not. Also their auth log does not show any failed attempts.
The points I made should not be used instead of all other security precautions like prohibited password login, fail2ban and updates, I thought that is common knowledge. It’s additional steps to increase security.
I disagree that changing the port is just security by obscurity. Scanning ips on port 22 is a lot easier than probing thousands of ports for every IP.
The reason people do automated exploit attempts on port 22 is because it is fast, cheap and effective. By changing the port you avoid these automated scans. I agree with you, this does not help if someone knows your IP and is targeting you specifically. But if you’re such a valuable target you hopefully have specialized people protecting your IT infrastructure.
Edit: as soon as your sshd answers on port 22, a potential attacker knows that the IP is currently in use and might try to penetrate. As stated above, this information would most likely not be shared with the automated attacks if you used any random port.
I can’t help much regarding the service denial issue.
However Port 22 should never be open to the outside world. Limiting to key authentication is a really good first step.
To avoid automated scans you should also change the port to a higher number, maybe something above 10,000.
This both saves traffic and CPU. And if a security bug in sshd exists this helps, too.
Keanu Reeves ofc. Have a beverage with the most decent human being