Merz is nowhere near the level of absurdity of Trump. This offer/decision is shameful but he doens’t have the same crazy extend that Trump has
Merz is nowhere near the level of absurdity of Trump. This offer/decision is shameful but he doens’t have the same crazy extend that Trump has
Honestly I’d donate. Would love to see them seethe.
Ich werde nicht CDU wählen jedoch ist einfach mehr Schulden machen auch nicht unbedingt Nachhaltig, wenn du über deine mittel lebst und langfristig deine Schulden nicht abzahlen kannst. Klar andere Industrieländer haben mehr Schulden, jedoch sind die Maastricht-Richtlinien auf 60% Schulden vom BIP gesetzt und wir sind leicht darüber. Wir geben jährlich über 40 Milliarden Euro alleine für die Zinsen dieser Schulden aus.
Wir haben nur wegen der Schuldenbremse so eine gute Bonität und wirken dadurch auch stärkend auf den Euro. Ein Staatsbankrot will sich wirklich keiner langfristig vorstellen, weil das die Sicherheit des Euros gefährdet. Andere Europäische Länder wie auch die Amerikaner werden noch langfristig mit diesem Problem konfrontiert werden. Und es ist vielleicht unangenehm aber mehr jährlich wiederkehrende ausgaben, die wir langfristig so nicht zurück bekommen wie kurzzeitige Wahlversprechen werden uns zukünftig immens belasten.
Eine Reform ist angebracht aber den Sozialstaat auf Pump können wir meiner Meinung nach nicht finanzieren. Das ist weder nachhaltig noch generationengerecht.
Would make european companies probably loose IP in the US. IP would just be local and not mean much anymore. I think there’s other better responses
This is about localization, not about renaming the thing
I feel like I’m kinda somewhere in between tech conservative and paranoid. I am privacy conscious but I don’t engage in privacy related content too often. I use Arch, Manjaro, /e/OS on a fairphone with mostly foss apps and decline most cookies I can. I also like self hosted things just because the corporate SaaS stuff sucks over time with artificial restrictions and has no privacy
Holy moly!
I wouldn’t go as far call lemmy Alt-Left Nazi if you block these commie instances but even then I feel like I am not left enough for much of the content at parts when phrases like class traitors/warfare, violent fantasies about murdering rich people and things alike as well as celebrating murder. I support unionization and peaceful protest but when I share my views which I consider left leaning but moderate I feel like an outsider. Its always just. I guess in a way maybe you’re right. I want people to vote in their own best interest and it seems like thats an issue with democracy but I think having more variety of opinions and at parts more popular less political content would be beneficial.
“class traitor”. Go away with that bs, they did their country a service by protecting the integrity of the US democracy against a violent mob. I get being upset how the police handles many issues but they are still needed. I doubt we’d be better off without them completely and no one is reporting on cops that follow their job honorably. They are here to protect the people. Yes, the system needs to be improved and the cops need to be trained properly and transparency has to be increased. Its just I still think the executive needs someone to enforce laws. Judiciary and legislature are nothing without that aspect so stop being so condescending to those who defended democratically elected representatives back then against the mob.
I can see your issue with the police union endorsing trump but still. “class traitor”, really?
I can confirm since I was the samurai!
Pretty good assessment! When I was using Reddit I used it like a lot and the way the Reddit admins treatet it made it not feel like home. I spent like so much time there so I ended up deleting my account. It wasn’t even the powermods or admin scandals although what kinda pushed me over the edge was the exclusivity contract with google. Only google was now supposed to be able to use web crawlers on Reddit. I use Qwant as my main search engine and didn’t like the way they gate kept the content made by people. Then only google is supposed to be able to train their AI with this data. They act like they own what I upload and create and I loved the idea of lemmy so I migrated to a german instance. After the big FUCK SPEZ on r/place I think a mod of r/ich_iel Hubi got like banned or something for a certain time so they decided to push for a migration to feddit.de, later feddit.org after feddit.de went down.
Reddit is already a left leaning platform in a political sense and lemmy is on another level. Even if you block out all the tankie instances. Sad to see the number of users slowly dropping bit by bit. It around the same but I’m kinda like just waiting for it to get better but it might never will. I’m a real sucker for FOSS and privacy so to think lemmy might now ever become more popular is sad to me.
He (the warlord) would still be murdered. Just with a justification - So it is really only a word game
Self defense only applies when you literally defend yourself from an attack in that moment. If you get away from a warlord with your life and kill him a day later thats again murder.
So you’d argue a civil servant that follows and order from trump that is legal but creates problems in one way or another for the American people are a collaborator? I don’t think we can speak of the word collaborator since up to now he has gained power completely legally and as long as you don’t help him carry out unconstitutional acts I don’t think this includes them.
You might think I’m being the self-righteous one. I actually think its the other way around. In a country with democracy and rule of law giving up on the belief that murder is wrong as a matter of principle just because it fits your narrative. What would you say when a person you ideologically support gets murdered as they caused violent protests that align with your ideology. Would you be opposed to that.
What am I even getting at. Murder and chaos like this has no place in society. At least not in one where the people can make sovereign choices.
The people in the government will now have to follow Trumps orders since he has the power to fire them and he wants to use it widely to replace them with yes-men. Yes the people working in the government are serving the people not the president. But you know he will get rid of people who won’t show him loyalty and for 4 years he’s kinda their boss. Collaborator makes it sound like the republican party is occupying the US illegally which it is not since they won (sadly).
The citizens of the US (the free people you’re talking about) voted him into office by their own volition
The EU. I don’t use google search. I use a degoogled android rom firefox and only use the bare minimum of google search engines. I think the government should promote conditions where fair competition against google is actually possible.
I’m all for legislation that properly makes companies price in external effects. What I do not support is the state taking an active role in the market. Legislation is created for a reason but needs to be reformed and slimmed down once in a while. The government does not adjust fast enough imo and I think it should focus on core tasks instead of creating search engines.
The EUs IRIS 2 Programme has been in the work for way longer. Once the importance of such a satelite network was realised EU started drafting plans for their own network