Fuck cars! Demand public transit.
Fuck cars! Demand public transit.
Also, fuck cars. Every major street should have dedicated light rail in its own right of way, being given signal priority. The people that bought Tesla’s early on as status symbols, did so because they spit on the concept of public transit and hate the left that wants mass transportation.
Its not even that. People like McMahon don’t even know what are good jobs, they live in some imaginary world, some historic America that never existed. They are turning the American economy around, towards some bizarre imaginary mirage.
People who have never studies math, promoting math.
People who have never worked a blue collar job, promoting blue collar jobs.
People who don’t read, shaping literacy programs.
People who send their kids to small private schools, dictating public school policy.
Once a slum lord, always a slum lord. He bankrupt a casino, he is not smart. He doesn’t understand the difference between a million and a billion; most successful building developers are working in 10 decimal places, Donald isn’t even close to that level.
He dreams of cutting taxes for the rich, and paying for it with tariffs on Canada. It’s his only dream. He has no clue how to run an economy. He has been bankrupt several times.
They can’t. Middle class oil workers, workers in the gasoline auto-sector will not vote for Democrats. The same goes for many who are contractors; plumbers, electricians, HVAC.
Those working for Amazon might be able to unionize, same with Walmart. Hopefully they can get better pay, and hours. But they are not fighting the same fight as climate activists.
Trump might break teacher unions soon with school vouchers.
Democrats need to start with hyper-local issues, and organize around those.
The boundaries changed, plagues came through. But politically it was mostly stable-ish of sorts ¯_(ツ)_/¯ as an economic system
Other system are more stable, Egypt lasted for thousands of years, the Ottoman Empire was fairly stable without growth for a 1000. Capitalism is the the system were part of the profit is reinvested into new machinery ‘for efficiency’ to undercut competition. Once we do not have competition because there are only 2 or 3 companies (Coke and Pepsi), they fix prices and work to corrupt government to become an Oligarchy. This is why people make the state that we are entering a ‘post capital’ world.
Good. We need to depopulate by 50%. The earth can’t have 8 billion people. There are less than 30,000 polar bears in the whole world.
No they won’t, they’ll double down on bashing gays, women, immigrants for causing any economic downturn.
The other issue is, nobody is trying to take on Facebook. Not really anything in the FLOSS community like it.
Trump will come up with something dumber tomorrow, it’ll be impossible to keep pleasing him and stay sane. Sooner or latter everyone around Trump falls.
Thanks for the moral courage, too many in power are going along with Trump. It’s not easy to quit.
Need to rejoin England, go back to a proper parliamentary system. Everybody who saw the American Constitutional, from it’s first publication, said "this will end up as a dictatorship, as the role of president has too much power’'. Finally that scenario has played out.
I hate articles like this. He won, he is in power. He will be in power for 4 years. His popularity doesn’t matter anymore.
All other western democracies use some sort of parliamentary system akin to what the English have, a party appointed Prime Minister with very limited power. Presidential systems always devolve into fiefdoms.
The U.S.A. is done. Such sabotage by Trump, Musk and MAGA takes decades to recover from. 40 to 50 at least; rebuilding the civil service, amending all the laws back to normal, fixing the Supreme Court, probably needing Constitutional amendments. This easily echos for a hundred years.
This is not the Democrats fault. It is the fault of those that voted for Trump. The knew exactly what he was, and still voted for him. They wanted this.
I’m suspect of posts that blame Democrats, are these posts put up by paid shills?
I don’t think data and studies should ever be buried. I do think we need to do a better job of exposing this data as nothing more than scattered tea leaves, with no validity to it. Just because someone spent lots of money collecting numbers, doesn’t mean those numbers reflect anything real. And yes billions of dollars and hours of time can be spent collecting ‘data’, but the cost doesn’t mean it’s reflective of any truth.
Roads that are too big, house that are too spread out.
Police because stores refuse to hire their own security and offload it to onto your property tax.
Sewers because dumb people are too stupid to compost properly, and now we need chemicals on farm fields since the traditional method of composting is dead.
Garbage trucks and landfills because companies sell you wrappers and containers that outlive the products and are made from toxic waste.