Biden isn’t in office anymore
Biden isn’t in office anymore
Good. Let other countries do something and help for once.
Yeah. I wish things weren’t the way they currently are
I think we should be using more money to fix problems inside the states first rather than outside
America was already bowing to china because of Biden. Dont be fooled.
Owning two less than 5 year old cars is pretty impressive
All I got going for me? Lol owning a house, a car, having a wife and kids. Everybody loves your type here. But away from the screen, you don’t matter
Yeah yeah, just go pay rent and shut up
Oh okay. You must only suck tranny dick
lol then go move to Ukraine if you wanna suck him so badly dawg
Who’s mad?
Yeah I’ll believe that sitting in the house I own. Go pay rent
lol if you honestly believe that, that’s ur issue
He’s not a hero lol
He’s not a hero lol
Not looking for friends haha
lol. Keep talking big behind that screen
Not a nazi. Just a honest hardworking man haha