Great 'cast. Evans is a funny guy and does some good research. Cool guests a bonus.
Great 'cast. Evans is a funny guy and does some good research. Cool guests a bonus.
Not Chrome and Not MS. Simple.
If y’all can pay a living wage, y’all can’t do business. Tired of this shit.
Fucking piece of shit.
Suppose punching at ghosts is much better use of your time and energy than, you know, working on real problems. Middle aged white guys are so oppressed.
In the tank for trump is usually about who you hate, not about who you care about.
This guy is a Damm goblin that wants the organization he works for to disappear. His existence is an insult to society.
Goddammit, Florida! Why are you so bad?! Seriously, F yourselves.
What the actual fuck??? Seriously, Florida?
Right? I’m so eager to add images, but it eludes me. I’ll keep trying, though…
Segans " The Demon Haunted World"
One thing conservatives do so often us punch down.
Hard-core Dark Patterns, amazon…
Uhg. Cannibalizing the bird app for something equally obnoxious. These corporations are playing us for Suckers …
I remember reading old science fiction stories where a freer,more bottom up kind of internet existed. Maybe, maybe, maybe we can get a kind of thing like that? We have the technology. Why not?
I remember reading old science fiction stories where a freer,more bottom up kind of internet existed. Maybe, maybe, maybe we can get a kind of thing like that? We have the technology. Why not?
I killed my reddit account snd pulled all my stuff. Forget them. Not looking back.
I killed my reddit account. Done with em and not looking back.
Trump is a damn criminal fascist grifter. The day he leaves our lives, I’ll do a goddamn dance.