Yeah. And found some more:
Yeah. And found some more: & I see the news article and see the logic behind it, but this can’t possibly be the only pic out there. I am not denying Elon isn’t Nazi. He definitely is and everything he touches is now, lightly put, tainted.
But there has to be another angle or even a video. Just a single blurry pic immediately seems suspicious to me.
This is fake though. The letters don’t match and there is no other pic on the Internet to prove, it happened. But the fact it seems real, speaks volumes :D
Edit: Turns out not fake. I was just skeptical at first.
My dear friend, what is happening over here: “They are is no way…”?
You are right. The government disregard for anything contributed largely for the demise of the union.
However, I am fortunate enough to never experience this, but my parents had to participate in kolkhozes and it was terrible.
I guess, what I am trying to say is, MAGA would not appreciate such an agricultural system.
Great idea from Soviet Union. Just ask them, how this turned out.
These guys look awesome. Exactly kind of solution I was looking for.
I don’t think they will ever learn
Looks gucci to me. I am from Latvia.
Sorry about the typo. My German is a rusty 😅 As to whether it’s a shipping or a northern thing, could be both. I used to study maritime navigation in northern Germany and this was a very common saying in between the maritime crowd. Did hear it out side of it though. But I might be mistaken.
In German they have “Wahrschau” which coincidentally also sounds like the name of the capital in Poland, however it comes from shipping industry and to my knowledge is a shorter version of “Wahr nehmen und schauen” which roughly translates to “hey, look at me”. I might be wrong, but that’s what I’ve heard.
Edit: typo 😅 Edit 2: some more of my incompetence
Well Wiki didn’t take long to update 😁
It’s infuriating that lobbying does not just let them fail and give place for some one better
I suppose share holders and the market does. Because the ICE vehicles are still selling better then EVs and to make great EVs, there is a lot of expensive R&D, which why would they do, if share holders want to keep the money rather then spend it
Didn’t see that one coming
Unfortunately the towels don’t dry very well on the towel rack. But don’t worry. We don’t use stinky towels. They get thrown on 90°C washing immediately 😅
We usually change the bedding weekly, I.e. every Sunday and the towels usually as soon as they start to develop this old wet umbrella stench, which takes about 3-4 days.
If you are looking to create a web service, I can suggest the zero2prod book. That’s how I learned rust and loved the process. I was also already a seasoned developer before taking interest into rust
Yeah. It looks like that in the first place, but no. I am just skeptical of blurry images on the internet. I distrust anything I see, until some more evidence is provided.