Remember the northeast blackout of 2003? My landline still worked fine…
Remember the northeast blackout of 2003? My landline still worked fine…
I haven’t tried that, but I might.
I have a few roku boxes and a Google TV Chromecast. The Samsung TV I bought is a smart TV and it’s slow as crap. I ended up putting a Roku box on it and use it that way. Now when the TV starts I have to hurry up and hit a button on the Roku remote to wake it up otherwise the TV starts auto playing a random channel from their new TV app that you can’t seem to uninstall. I’m really just waiting for the tv to die so I can go find a new TV that isn’t smart. The problem is those seem to be more expensive now.
I like the Google TV Chromecast because it aggregates all the services you sign into and can start showing me things I like and may want to watch next, right from the home screen.
But you are right, the tv itself being the smart device just isn’t worth it for me. I’d rather have a dongle or box I can swap out if it starts going south. I have a Plex server and I need something in order to play that on the TV unless I just start getting a casting device and just cast from a phone.
The comment threads here are weird. Who, in their right mind, would ever support a country like Russia? It’s mind blowing.
How wild that would be. Withdrawal all his campaign donations and just up and go to Russia. He could put a spin on it and make his base extremely upset and violent because the evil left forced him to flee because it’s all rigged.
They should have never allowed a bond to be set. He should have just been kept in jail until the trial. Any of us normies would have had to…
Lol I never saw that episode of South Park. That’s hilarious.
And the video itself is monetized.
This isn’t “something”. This is a “we’re sorry (not really)” video. If you watch it in the context of “I have no favorites in this game” and look it it pretty objectively, it feels like just a bait to try to stop the bleeding.
A week? To refine all the processes in that size of a company? No. I’ve gone through these processes before and it takes months to evaluate, talk to employees, get processes down properly, especially when you need to really start over from the standpoint of “this isn’t working”. They even mentioned they are still having scheduled videos coming out… Did they check those for errors first? I doubt it.
A week to get their inventory control back on track? With the size of their warehouse? No way.
The fact that they let Linus get on there and make the tone deaf statement he did, still backtracking on the billet labs fiasco. He acted like a petulant child who doesn’t have remorse.
They are going to post their updates to their processes on floatplane? What. The. Fuck. So no communication through YouTube. You have to pay in order to see how they will do better.
And. They monetized the apology video. They knew they would get the most views ever out of that one. And they monetized it.
I’ve watched quite a bit of their content and had trusted it in the past… but I have the same feeling about them now that I had when I found out about Jared from adventures with purpose and his whole “I’m just here to make as much cash as I can” attitude, aside from the fact that he’s a child rapist. It just feels scummy to me.
I was boner. It was back in the day of BBS’ and my handle was lone wolf. So they started calling me loner… Then one day Bill decided “we should just call you boner”. I said " oh please don’t". I shouldn’t have said that.
In the end it wasn’t all that bad. I wasn’t particularly good looking but when girls heard that, they would ask why they call me that I would just say “it’s a long and very stupid story” it made them even more interested in me. LOL
I’m usually ok with some data collection to get stats, like memory CPU usage, etc, especially if they are using it to figure out how to make their software more efficient… But this? Hard pass on this. Especially with collection of other devices on the lan. Wtf Intel?
Are we at an airport?
I’d rather it be that then what we used to deal with… 6 month old apps that never got any more updates because the dev has no incentive to keep developing it.
Where are the ads, anyway? I don’t think Ive seen a single ad yet.
I’m glad it’s this way. My accounts have different purposes, so I have different settings I like by default.
Strangeland with Dee Snider. Super creepy and scarred me for a while.
I’m using connect and am enjoying it. It works really well. I would like an option to always open links in the system browser instead of the built in one.
With the state of internet speeds in the US? No. This won’t work.
If you need beta testers, sign me up!
I’m not really sure where your weird take on this comes from, but the lowest economic class does not get enough pell grants and financial aid to not have to take out student loans… and middle class absolutely took out loans. The wealthy had their college paid for, mostly by paying right out of pocket. The people who can afford to make the payments do, and did. This was never about hand outs or freebies.
For the last 12 years, if you would have been paying attention, was packed full of predatory lending practices on students because they have no choices. It’s either pay and not afford rent, not pay and suffer wage garnishments, or take part in there programs where you can at least pay a little bit see your balance skyrocket because you aren’t even paying the interest on it. There. Were. No. Options. And before you go into the BS about, then go to trade school: need flash - trade schools were packed and no one was hiring. It was either better you skill set, or fight for the low wage fast food jobs.
The loan forgiveness was meant to right the wrongs that happened under republican leadership of these programs.
It’s ridiculous that I even have to explain this. It’s like people choose to be blind and worship the people stepping on their heads with their heels.
We need to revive the days people write blog posts to help others instead of pushing ads to make money. The content was far better.