And this is why I have no faith in the recovery of this country. After everything that’s happened, these people are cheering on the destruction of the country.
And this is why I have no faith in the recovery of this country. After everything that’s happened, these people are cheering on the destruction of the country.
These are the people who are annoying and useless as shit in IT. Most coworkers I’ve had who are constantly getting certifications or attending conferences contribute very little in the way of work or knowledge. The information required to get those certifications goes in one ear and out the other for them. People like that are more interested in clout than anything.
Not to say anyone taking training or certifications is like this, but there is a specific type obsessed with these “markers” that spend the majority of their time chasing certifications and things of that nature.
On the flip side, I have a beast of a coworker who says she doesn’t do anything tech related outside of work to decompress and she’s easily one of our most productive and likable coworkers.
I understand it’s due to the rotten minds of small men, but it’s just so strange to me that they would spend so much time to create a problem that shouldn’t be a problem.
We have plenty of other legitimate problems that need addressing, but instead these idiots are going out of their way to oppress a small percentage of the population who aren’t doing any harm.
Don’t forget about his other grand accomplishments like MyFace or Pee Bibs!
What was the VPN service mentioned? The comment you replied to got removed.
I use the same laptop bag for several trips a year, so I often don’t clear out all the pockets. The other day I realized I’ve been flying back and forth with a lighter I got from Vegas 2 years ago because it was buried at the bottom of a pocket. As for why the hell I had it in my laptop bag in the first place, I have no idea.
I would be surprised if they don’t already have this
The same amount of dumb you have to be to be “god fearing” and think that a treasonous, lying, cheating, adulterous, rapist of an orange baboon is some sort of messiah
This describes my pea brain to the letter.
Like once I figure out how to do a thing, I no longer have anything interest in doing the thing.
It’s fucking absurd, he just keeps thinking up new ways to prove how much of a piece of shit he is.
I was actually thinking about my experience with Lemmy as I was reading this article, particularly how the scrolling is made to generate rage. I don’t filter my feed and just view “all”, but I don’t think I’ve once walked away from Lemmy not in a bad mood.
Now that may be observation bias or something, or a function of how I don’t tailor my own experience, but regardless, Lemmy leaves me angrier when I leave then when I open the app. I’m trying to cut back and eventually quit.