I am most impressed with how much it just works. Make duplicate passwords? Just works. Share with multiple users? Duplicate key entries? Just works. Want to store or reorganize your DB, change encryption or share with someone else? Just works. Want to use it from your phone, your laptop, your server CLI? There’s probably an app, and it probably just works too.
It’s such a precious thing, a good DB design paired with good apps (KeepassXC is amazing). Not a lot of tools like that around.
The problem I had when I tried it out last (2 years ago?) was you could only generate passwords when connected to the server. Internet in my region is spotty, so I can’t reliably always have access to the server.
Other thing, not mentioned here, is how easy it is to share passwords. They also didnt at the time have a great user story for a common use case: 2-4 people who share all their passwords (me, my wife, and her parents). Setting up an org and multiple users was a bit of a pain, but that was a couple years ago, maybe it’s better now!