I still enjoy the “Dell’s poker face” from Only fools and horses…
But probably not what you’re aiming for ;)
70% of the worlds surface is covered in water. None of that water is fizzy. Therefore the earth is technically flat…
I’ll be my coat, no need to send the pitchforks.
Looks like a Jersey Tiger moth
Umm, that’s what a real bear would say…
Password manager, 2FA where available (these for security more than privacy). Firefox with ublock, noscript and privacy badger for browsing. PiHole for DNS using standard block lists to remove adverts and trackers.
Great work, as usual, and thank you for being so open about privacy issues - refreshing to see.
I get most of my code from StackOverflow. Sometimes from the answers too.
I’m so sorry, but I have to reply to this, I misread this as public spanking, and have been giggling to myself for about 15 minutes.
I wouldn’t start with trying to run an instance. Just find a server that suits you (either rules or location etc) and create your community on that.
I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. But I believe in small steps. I haven’t been on Reddit since the API announcement on /r/Apollo. I won’t be back, I absolutely love the idea of a platform that isn’t owned by someone - in the same way I love an open source project.
Yeah, moderate your empty sub, because all your content creators have moved here.
Bets on how long it will take google to realise that site:lemmy should index the whole fediverese to keep their top spot?
https://browse.feddit.de/ cam help to find communities
Just wish there was an iOS app…