Weird, google might know I only click on stackoverflow links lol
Friends don’t let friends use proprietary software.
Communism is just Fascism rebranded
Weird, google might know I only click on stackoverflow links lol
Its so stupid, google “bipartie matching algorithm” and the second result is a stack overflow where the second answer is the Hungarian algorithm…
So every programmer would have found that immediately using the traditional methodology…
Its been a bit of a schism lol
Why are you running gimp as root lol?
Also they’ve been working on upgrading to gtk3 for a decade so hopefully that fixes everything
There’s a segfault in the middle lol
I disagree, heres how the EU defines terroristic threats:
advocating for and glorifying of violence, is considered incitement and is illegal!
EDIT: sorry I put the hexbears quote in a comment: https://lemmy.world/comment/12658620
MBS less evil than apple?
IDK what your comment is about, but its not a coincidence the first blizz game coming to steam is free to play,
yeah, plus steam takes 30%
I guess I dont get the point of your comment then
one small mistake
ok this is not “one small mistake” this is a systemic failure
They designed a security feature without considering security
They kept this feature without encryption for years
It is either a bafflingly huge mistake or they intentionally made spyware,
Ill remind you of hanlons razor and let you make your own decision:
dont attribute to malice that which is sufficiently explained by stupidity
do you realize that im not the one making the speculation?
Gatekeeper didnt even use TLS, the most basic of security features, so security and privacy were the last things apple were thinking about when they came up with the idea for gatekeeper. This should alarm anyone with their ear to the ground
As for the FBI not being able to unlock phones is exactly what they want you to think, because they do it for money on the regular allegedly.
EDIT: the link you sent is two years old, so IDK why youre complainin about my link being 2 years old
yeah, I’ve considered the security model of lemmy, havent you?
EDIT: Is your argument that nobody should care about security and just be happy with whatever apple sells us?
oh I guess none of us can have security because this guys work wont let us.
no, they did a bunch of things wrong. they all do, so instead of burying my head in the sand, Im going to call it out and work to build a better future.
not respond to anyone’s salients points other to call them shills.
where is the salient point? because the best I can get is that they dont send the “app hash” just the “apps cert id”
When did I argue for the security of Apple? I simply pointed to your logical fallacies.
no, you didnt argue for the security you just said its a circle jerk. you did not point out any logical fallacies you just said its a circle jerk which is not a fallacy, its just you wasting time to tell me im wasting time. youre just sucking air out of the world
I just posted this to bring visibility to a topic I think has been overlooked.
A lot of people may not be aware of this security flaw, or the general lack of security and privacy with apple products and proprietary software in general.
I know that most people will downvote anything criticizing apple because they are cultists, so it definitely wasnt for karma.
no, its just an additional attack vector, having the code to inspect makes validating updates much easier and more secure.
I’m evaluating the security of the software I’m using? what are you doing casually excusing a massive security flaw? you must not look either way before crossing the street
I believe in the security of open source software, because Ive worked with it for over 15 years but for some reason youre arguing with me that thinking apple is insecure is a circle jerk because google and microsoft are also bad. I know google and MS are bad, I talk about it all the time. I want to talk about how much better open source software is but because I’m shit talking apple you need to tell me how secure it is.
The idea that shills would even be here is laughable.
really? its just impossible for a corporation to have made a lemmy account? youre going aout of youre way to talk about how trustworthy apple is with literally no substance. was anything in the video wrong? no. you just want to tell me how trustworthy apple is and how much of a circle jerk it is to talk about their flaws. its impossible to tell a brain-dead apple lover from a chat bot.
he says in the video that his truck is “bombproof in the inside and outside” WTF does that even mean?