gamedev for fun #kappa, researcher of CG and the sorcery called shaders. PP credit: Qosic.
@TeaHands I haven’t as my research topic changed…to VR xD ironic, I know, but doing well on that front since I m handling liquid sim here and pretty stable motion wise.
One example I can tell is it can even happen in 3D because of that color combo shade issue: I was playing Shin megami Tensei V last year and In the early area where there is a broken platform near train rails, the area is too brownish/grayish. I started ventilating and had to stop. Other areas were fine cuz colors.
@TeaHands One underestimated accessibility issue imho would be reduction of motion sickness. hard to tackle beside the conventional 'just put a toggle for a dot in the middle" in FPS. Yet the issue is far from that. I had once suggested to make shaders that take this into account (lesser combo of dark/brownish enviro’ment look and feel which actually makes people sick, especially in shooting games). My research topic got rejected because of “lack of literature” which is sadly true
Remembering a gleeful childhood moment one afternoon then deciding to search “learn game programming”.
I m now working on XR.