Can I come?
Can I come?
For what it’s worth, you can pair the devices and dongle on any machine, and those pairings are maintained when moving the dongle to a new machine.
I tried this once in college, and even at a simplified scale, it was ridiculously difficult. The single course was half a semester’s worth of units, just on its own.
Sure, but it wouldn’t be a backdoor into your ROM.
What does the ocean taste like?
The one you linked is way better
That’s wildly interesting because it’s heavily associated with neckbeard incels (tips fedora) on Reddit because there was a time when it was overused and comparatively fancy for the average yankey american vocal style. It was also often accompanied with “Edit: thabks for the gold, kind stranger!” Thinking around 2011-2013?
You are a gentleman and a scholar. /s
Lets face it everyone under the age of 35 first learned what bedroom eyes are because of Nala from Lion King…