Jesus. That just rips my heart out.
Jesus. That just rips my heart out.
When is Zeus going to look down and strike this man with lightning.
Yeah, my WiFi is called Skynet. My main nas s skynet vault. I have main vm called T800
All of my infrastructure is named after terminator.
Perhaps. But I look at our current media-sphere as something akin to the Stanford prison experiment or the third wave experiment. Only that it is being waged all around you. I live in the heart of the old south, I am soaked in negative media and people who live in a feedback loop. At work, especially during Covid I had to endure some of the stupidest conversations and I had to give up even reasonable conversations about daily life.
What I attribute my ability to disconnect from the local culture I’m surrounded by is the fact that I’m not religious. Religion in the US has taken quite a dark turn.
I’m not convinced that is really the issue. I think we have a lot of people who’ve been programmed to be terrible people. Some one I’ve know my entire life was always a joy to be around, but over the last ten years, their news and media consumption changed to Fox then to ONN and down so weird rabbit holes. Now the last time I was around it was all about how this country is going to hell and we need a savior like Trump to bring it back.
Amen. They don’t live in the same reality as normal people anymore. My mother passed away last summer, and though I wasn’t surprised that she’d supported Trump, working through her belongings and mail and email, it was eye opening how disconnected she was from reality. She had a bottle of whatever the dewormer was that Trump was shilling. She has a ton of Iraqi, Venezuelan, Vietnamese and Zimbabwean currency and her email go down rabbit holes I’d never heard of. All while living in genuine squalor. Unable to take care of herself and living in real filth. True diehard Trump supporter.
Dark, but correct.
Like IRC?
Or at least his wife.
Squatting Slavs
All she’d need to do to get people to listen to her is stare deeply into their eyes.
I’m confused, years ago they released the game for free. Then openra came around and built a modern ish game from it. Then they did a remaster and the source code was available. Now they say you can do just about anything you want? How did openra work without this license ?
Damn, I saw the same kind of thing. Most of the non denominational churches are poisoning society for a sliver of power, if only over the women.
Heinlein couldn’t have written it better.
He looks like he watched too much Andrew Tate and fell for this new paradigm of MMA bro.
Or, that the free media is be washed away. Or that media is losing its ability to report on certain topics due to government retaliation.
Wasn’t the show partly a bio pic for him?
The party is functionally dead. If they don’t come out with absolute opposition we will be stuck with a single party for the rest of our lives.
You won the internet for the day.