Ok, that’s helpful for providing alt text for images inside the body of a post.
Bus what about image posts? When using the web interface I don’t see any opportunity for entering the alt text. 🤔
OBS Studio should be able to to handle that. You can set up hot keys for saving the buffer too.
It’s a valid question. I originally read about it in a physical book, then wrote the (misconstrued) headline from memory before finding a digital source that people could click on. I’ve corrected it now.
I mean he’s not the first to claim this:
It’s unlikely tho that the Kreml ever foresaw him becoming president. No-one did really.
A lot of software is reliant on very precise timing. The world at large would notice immediately due to the many disconnects, glitches, bugs, desyncs, not to say anything of all the physical processes controlled by machines going wrong. As a simple example consider an industrial oven (or any process really) that is programmed to shut down at 4:39:20 but at 4:39:15 the 1 minute skip happens. An airplanes auto pilot that is suddenly missing the last minute of sensor data to. base its micro steering on. Any big internet service that has to deal with thousands to millions of clients trying to reconnect at once because their previous connection timed out. Bad stuff.
This would be immediate world wide chaos and likely panic as the cause for all the chaos would be unknown and forever would be. Economic crash likely.
Think of all the attention and effort the year 2k problem got, but this one is worse and there is no prep whatsoever.
What now, isn’t the reward for a coup that you get reelected and immunity for future missteps to boot? Oh, wait wrong country.
Hmmm, it seems the modern way for autocracies to deal with elections is to control the information space. I don’t see election being called off, but major social media platforms boosting one side while attenuating the other goes a long way. We know Musk is all in on this and the other big players like Zuckerberg & Co seem all too happy to oblige. Tiktok is an open ended question at this point.
The crowd was literally chanting “hang Mike Pence”. Kudos to him for not going along with Trumps plan of overthrowing the election.
Yet still I can’t help but wonder whether he was secretly hoping for Trump to lose the 3rd election and the Republican party returning to its old ways somehow. Why? Because he’s been suspiciously silent ever since when he had the cachet and moral standing to be one of his greatest detractors (from the Republican side).
Ha, reminds me of how grassy lawns started out as a status symbol to show off that you were so rich that you needn’t use your land for agriculture or gardening.
Oh I knew I had to check it out once I saw the artist name; he did a lot of the tracks for Unreal Tournament 1 from 1999.
Hmm this section sounds familiar:
The persecution drove hundreds of directors, managers and workers – including the author – into exile and/or imprisonment. In their place, the government appointed political operators, lacking knowledge and experience in the oil sector, who provided unconditional support to Maduro’s policies but damaged the company’s operational capacities, bypassing all control or accountability mechanisms.
That’s essentially what Trump admin wants to do. Fire civil servants en masse, replace with loyalists (proficiency for the job is optional).Then if something is goes wrong, and it will, just blame it on DEI, Biden, wokeness or something.
Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with career bureaucrats // civil servants per se. ¿Do you want to swap out every geologist, accountant, teacher, interpreter, ranger, manager, safety inspector, lawyer, technician, secretary every 4 years? These people literally run the country and by extension allow society to continue. And they are part of the idea that power and expertise are spread amongst many people.
Is it fair to criticize individuals, agencies, institutions. Yes. Is there corruption, mismanagement, incompetence? All the time, happens for any sufficiently large enough organization.
But no need to spin this into some bonkers conspiracy theory.
I’ve updated my initial comment.
This guy literally wrote a book about what he dubs “the executive branch deep state” including a list of high profile names he wants to target.
It’s all out in the open. Confirmation hearings are supposed to weed out people like him.
Edit: the way I previously worded my comment it might have been construed as me stating Patel was rightfully going after these people. Instead I meant to indicate that they rightfully resisted/investigated Trump.
Die AFD dann so:
Russland war über Jahrzehnte ein zuverlässiger Lieferant und Garant einer erschwinglichen Energieversorgung, die aufgrund unserer energieintensiven Industrie die Achillesferse der deutschen Volkswirtschaft darstellt. Zur Wiederherstellung des ungestörten Handels mit Russland gehören die sofortige Aufhebung der Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Russland sowie die Instandsetzung der Nord Stream Leitungen.
p 698 of project 2025 document:
The federal income tax system heavily taxes capital and corporate income and discourages work, savings, and investment. The public finance literature is clear that a consumption tax would minimize government’s distortion of private economic decisions and thus be the least economically harmful way to raise federal tax revenues.
more riches to capital and corporations, consumers will pay for it. it’s all in there
One of her arguments against the allegation of her spewing Russian talking points was that she doesn’t follow Russian Propaganda.
Truthfulness aside, that argument is not the elegant dodge that she probably thinks it is. Because that speaks against her informedness. As someone applying for this job she should be interested or better yet well versed in what current Russian propaganda is, how it is disseminated, who the target audience is, how well it is working, and how it relates to the wider goals of the Russian regime.
Strangely enough Robert Kenney also made use of a similar defensive veil a couple of times. Well I’m not a medical expert, so I really couldn’t tell you. 🙄 Bro, why are you applying for this position then?
I think in that scenario it’s more likely that they would “buy the dip” then that they would up and leave. Some of the billionaires also want to found their own techno-fashist fiefdoms. This could be a good catalyst for that.
Saw a policy expert say it’s a mixture of 3 things really:
new Pokémon just dropped?