They’re still going to charge app developers releasing on 3rd party app stores, so Apple will still make money through this route.
They’re still going to charge app developers releasing on 3rd party app stores, so Apple will still make money through this route.
Having worked in a university web team back in the day, these user personal spaces got dropped for various reasons. Teaching staff would push back on increasing password security, so accounts got hacked continuously. People would upload malicious applications through cgi-bins and the like. Maintenance costs skyrocketed. The cost of keeping these going because of these reasons were just not justifiable anymore, and it was much easier to provide them an account on a WYSIWYG system that could be secured, patched and maintained by an external company.
With the rise of online learning portals that included these features as standard, it became less justifiable. Why pay for two products, when one would do.
You know what you can do with your hand cream, jerk-off!
Nier Automata for its complex merging of storytelling and game mechanics, kickass soundtrack, and fun gameplay. The camera leaves a little to be desired, but still a game that has stuck with me years after finishing it.
Gonna get the game when it comes out on PS5, and I’m so gonna be a deli monk 😁
Literally just saw it, had a lot of fun, and my cynical boyfriend also enjoyed it. The “it’s impossible to be a woman” rant was perfect, even in this gay boy’s view. And “I’m just Ken” is an absolute banger, listening to it on repeat. Ryan Gosling is a treasure. Margot, you’re as great as ever, well done with this, I read about how much of yourself you put into this movie and it shows.
It was all about getting on a good web-ring. I had a few sites across Geocities, Tripod and the like, but getting on a good web-ring brought the best traffic. Don’t forget to put a visitor counter on the page, and a cursor trail will impress everyone. This advice brought to you 25 years too late.
Software updates can take quite a bit of bandwidth though. Call of Duty updates are significant events on the network, at the scale of streaming major sporting events.