I think the gag is that this person reading Salon, a progressive media outlet, is a person claiming or projecting progressive values yet is dating a bigot. Progressive dating regressive.
I think the gag is that this person reading Salon, a progressive media outlet, is a person claiming or projecting progressive values yet is dating a bigot. Progressive dating regressive.
I am replying just to let you know I have read, like, and appreciate your thoughtful reply.
Alaska has had two voting attempts to overturn RCV and will have another during the midterms. The MAGA wing has fought intensely against it and has the majority pull in the mostly red state. The major parties are doing their work to try to prevent alternative voting strategies and generally has the money and clout to do so. Grassroots movements have helped, but is difficult messaging for the average voter. In the last RCV run in Alaska spending was 10:1 towards RCV and it only narrowed out a 3pt margin. Maybe what’s happening in DC bludgening federally-dependent state might shake things up, but if we’re to believe media/social media trends about MAGA doubling down I won’t hold my breath.
What’s concern about gas? I was under the impression fiberous foods lended themselves to gas production?
At least Alaska doesn’t condone such shittery? https://www.akleg.gov/basis/Bill/Text/34?Hsid=HJR004A
A part of “breaking through the glass ceiling” is setting a trail for others where they have not been. Her story of overcoming adversity helps others in such a place have the ability to see themselves. My understanding is that it is important to help bridge our societies failures in egalitarianism, and as such those whom have done so wish for the trials to be highlighted so they can be addressed, to serve as beacons for others in a similar plight, and to validate their negative experience to peoples that would pretend it does not exist. The latter being a kind of erasure.
Section 504 may on the chopping block federally soon, but more critically is Texas v. Bacerra. Please check if your state is joining and call your reps asap. Talk to your sped teachers and fellow parents too.
Defend Section 504: Protect the Rights of People with Disabilities: http://5calls.org/issue/section-504-texas-v-becerra
Still more efficient than DOGE.
Canned in Druidia
Leadership, yes. I would argue it is intentional. Citizens… well, clearly not some half of the electorate.
Sure, but your claim rests on a specific definition of what rich is. The notion that her gross assets, not liquidity, are such that she is in not of the working class (her assets produce enough wealth to live upon) glosses over the obscene wealth, corruption, and hoarding that the purpose of the conversation is trying to convey. “Yeah, but other Americans are poorer” is whataboutism in the face of someone interested in adresssing wealth disparity.
“I just want some goddamn eggs.”
McKinley never even set foot in Alaska. This regressive skidmark is going to rename the tallest mountain in the world, base-to-peak, after a mediocre president? Native peoples of the region have been calling it Denali for centuries and, “the Alaska Board of Geographic Names changed the name of the mountain to Denali in 1975, which was how it is called locally.” I know this is just contuining rallying of his voter-base and attempts to shake folks from paying attention to his continuous ramshackling of what’s left of American functionality, yet still it worked… my jimmies are rustled. I am displeased with myself. I can only hope he vists the mountain and then stuff stuff.
There might even be some valley folk buyers too
It does feel strange though that Americans’ distaste for taxes is greater than their value for human life. But I guess since our country was founded on “no taxation without representation,” that maybe we’ll find a similar way out.
Thank you for posting this. It is good to see studies, even metanalysis or otherwise, enter the forum discourse.
Here’s a more ethical print shop: https://www.punkwithacamera.com/products/deny-defend-depose-spade-ink-copy
Redbud. Blackland Prairie. Semi-ostentatious mega-houses. I see you north DFW suburbs.
Stateside, this is usually in reference to thornyhead rockfish species.