You definitely have to ignore ecological concerns when talking about hydro.
You definitely have to ignore ecological concerns when talking about hydro.
I see a lot of people who share your opinion. I used to work rehabbing sea turtles and EVERY turtle we received alive or dead had straws/bags in their gut. It might not seem super important but those products look more like jellyfish and turtles have poor eyesight.
The nets commercial fishing boats make the most plastic waste by a lot but declining a plastic straw and bringing your own bag to shop WILL save a life.
B&H photo isn’t just “owned by religious folks”. They staff everything above the warehouse exclusively with Hasidic Orthodox Jewish men.
Afaik they aren’t tied to supporting Zionism. They had some problems a decade ago with safety standards and union busting.
This is not a special military operation. It involves the citizens of both nations directly involved.
The War in Afghanistan. The War in Iraq. The War in Gaza.
The War in Ukraine. Started by Russia after their puppet government was ousted in Ukraine.
Could you give a source? I can’t find ANY mention of stevia being “petroleum based”.
Afaik Stevia is entirely produced from the shrub.
Apparently it took heavy inspiration from the book Where’s Wallace? by Hilary Knight, so we can all be wrong. Wallace was a red headed orangutan so IMO a much better search and find reward than that sneaky fuck Waldo/Wally.
For anyone who is missing the irony.
Yeah, this… this has to be a fever dream.
You are either a troll or willfully detached from the human experience.
Good luck finding happiness.
Apparently there are protests planned at every US state capitol building today.
I really hope you are wrong.
That commenter is definitely toxic but I think they are right here by definition.
It’s clear that the US has absolute unlimited control within the area. Cuba cannot and/or will not contest the US within that area.
A little context; This began as American First Nations medical tech. Tobacco smoke enemas were used to treat a variety of conditions, including constipation, bowel obstruction, and colic. They eventually abandoned this because of the toxicity of nicotine. The drowning bit was a last resort treatment. We don’t have any info on it ever working. As far as old medicine goes this isn’t the biggest offender.
Thank you for sharing this bit of culture.
I reccomend you give Sekiro a try or watch a let’s play. You clearly don’t know what the game play looks like. Bosses should be hard but I never had to watch a video or read a guide to beat something in a souls like game.
Sekiro is a much better game than both Jedi Academy and DMC4. It is in no way slow or boring. My opinion and also the opinion of the majority of reviewers.
Every game you have mentioned enjoying involves a lot of hand holding. I get why you are not a fan of Fromsoft. You have a strong opinions but I assume it’s just because you are likely older and jaded like myself. Nobody under 30 has played Jedi Knight/Academy.
That being said all of those games are very different from one another. Sekiro is a completely different beast. The only thing tying them together is above average difficulty that can be (mostly) alleviated by grinding.
You have to face that we aren’t the target demographic anymore.
The prompt for the yearly review is "Are you safe from duo(the owl).
I only had 13 mistakes but I was not safe from duo somehow.
They really embraced the owl being a psychopath meme.
You are just looking to instigate. You will be ashamed one day of the vomit you post now. I wont feed the trolls.
I have been active for decades in support of LGBT rights. Your commentary here is poisonous enough to bother me. This is not the way.
Relatively few compared to his predecessors. Some real assholes on that list. It amazes me how Roger Stone isn’t under the Jail.
Lil Wayne is on that list btw.
We will get to see is how they twist the presidential pardon this coming year.
Afaik a presidential pardon is strictly federal.
State cases and Civil cases are not covered.
I’m sure the supreme Court will Fix that.
It would shed the liability from the Airline.