Are they still working on editing the last few episodes in the season?
clever & funny bio goes here
Are they still working on editing the last few episodes in the season?
I’m on atomoxetine (a non-stimulant). I asked my psychiatrist about shortages, and she said it’s really only an issue for the stimulant based medications.
I first heard the name Tom Caruana when I got into listening to Professor Elemental a while back. Tom has no small amount of talent as an artist.
There was a related movie called The Disaster Artist about The Room, made by one of the Francos. I’ve seen that, but not The Room. Still strikes me as pretty fucking weird though.
Dan Draper is gifted and talented, but he’s also a raging prick.
How about an oversized Dr Seuss book?
Sounds like a line from a deleted scene from In Bruges
Sounds similar to a navy shower:
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Referencing an unpopular future possibility - “that’ll go over like a turd in a punch bowl”
Describing something you don’t miss - “I miss that like I’d miss a case of the clap”
Rain coming in at a weird angle - “this rain is like a cow pissing on a flat rock”
When someone says they wish some specific thing would happen - “wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first”
When you’re unenthusiastic about something - “I’d rather shit in my hands and clap”
Lol, that’s an old HEB name tag. Stores used to have names, titles, & photos of store leadership by the customer service desk.
I loved the picture of him and Tilda Swinton doing drag impersonations of each other
Doesn’t really bother me. I’m not the sort that likes to post, but I will comment periodically. All this does is give me more stuff to look at.
I periodically read ask a manager, and i’m curious about just how she’d take someone like this to task. Probably something about choosing to underpay your staff means you’ll have higher than necessary turnover, and star performers will never come work for you.
I have found myself leaning toward series which have already concluded their runs. During the plague, I watched:
At present, I’m halfway through season 2 of Castle. Other shows I want to tackle are The Expanse, Chuck, and Burn Notice.
I do like your idea of sticking to limited series. I think an anthology series would also be good to consider.
For a limited series, Chernobyl is a good one to watch.
For an anthology series, good ones to try would be:
Change the colors a bit and this could be some bondage restraints
Reminds me of being out in the desert and seeing a sandstorm rolling in
That’s nuts!
Add up all the snow I’ve ever personally seen in my 40+ years and it still wouldn’t be as much snow as this.
My earworm is whichever song is playing in a public space I’m in. I’m physically incapable of tuning out music & most sounds in public spaces.
I’m very thankful that my boss doesn’t mind me wearing noise cancelling headphones while I’m at my desk.
I bring earbuds with me to the grocery store & the mall. I’m glad I don’t have to ride the bus all the time and listen to other peoples music & tiktok videos.