Tim is his own cell number apparently. Actually, I wonder how many seven or ten letter names could be their own phone number?
Tim is his own cell number apparently. Actually, I wonder how many seven or ten letter names could be their own phone number?
Hell ya! Stuff that crust!
Did the probe buy you dinner first? I imagine it was awkward with the radiologist being a third wheel the whole time.
fkn barb…
So he was basically Nacho Lebre? You have a good source for this? I wouldn’t mind reading it myself.
I think everyone else’s problem with him was more routinely related to his regularly and casually jerking off in public.
Ya. I assumed the D was for Diana, but that dialogue wasn’t in the original cartoon right? It’s been a while since I’ve watched it, but the cartoons of '90s and 'aughts were a pretty wild ride by current standards.
You are insinuating three different things in two sentences.
I think you mean ‘grownup’ this is what adults are SUPPOSED to do, but it’s still profound to see in action. Good on her I say.
It’s also used as a topical antibacterial agent in wound care (source: am wound care nurse), but ya, not cancer.
Check failed successfully
Can someone explain the Pale Horse reference?
Just tried goose game with co-op for the first time. It went pretty well. I’ll have to try the other one.
Have it. Too complicated and fast paced.
I prefer not braided. Both for cables and hair. More of a ponytail kinda guy myself.
Well, is it going to introduce us to it’s boyfriend?
Pull the flight yoke back like you’re trying to relocate it to the aft part of the cargo compartment and gun it. The air definitely looks cold and dense enough to do some impressive things with your aircraft, but I wonder what the elevation is.
Mr. Vice President?