Not for the ones who concocted that conceit (google).
Not for the ones who concocted that conceit (google).
Consumers have choice. Even my non tech friends and family were suspicious of iot bs from the early days of it. something which worked for centuries , was repairable, and could be shared within a community now attempting to be sold at quadruple the price, requiring some bs cloud subscription (with data to be onsold to harvesting probably) and able to be crippled with the flick of a firmware switch on the other side of the world to allow you the privilege of ‘upgrading’ to a better model? nice try venture capital crippled tech bros. Bikes never needed to be sprinkled with silicon valley snake oil. Im sure the founders made their cash and ran, but what a waste of energy and productivity.
Good bye Asian financial capital (arguably already happened), goodbye business, goodbye talent, good bye the imperfect HK we loved. Fairwell to an openminded China. Fair well to the incredibly important window into the mainland, and The promise of a better China resulting in a better world. Authoritarians ruin everything eventually in the paranoid pursuit of their own power and enrichment. Congratulations to the lonely king standing ontop of a burnt out pile of ashes.
Very sorry to hear this. An industry’s greed for more profit has no limit, but the actual attractions and the infrastructure to serve it does. It needs to be sustainable, and globally appreciated history needs to be respected. Down to government to regulate industry and protect heritage. Sincerely , someone who has never been to Europe, let alone Italy. I’m happy with the countless hours of history docos I have access to. Tourists can really be the most entitled group. Maybe setting them adrift on their massive plastic floating malls (cruise ships) isn’t so bad if they stay on them lol.
Are all of said family and friends IT savy , or you installed them at each site yourself? Interesting