Ahh got it. I never rename my devices so I thought that was a product name.
Ahh got it. I never rename my devices so I thought that was a product name.
On a side note, what the heck is a Google Octopus?
On a side note, what the heck is a Google Octopus?
Oh I know. I have a linux laptop that I use for gaming. I’m just going to a party where we plan to play gmod and some of the others don’t have laptops so I thought I’d see if my Mac would be suitable. It wasn’t.
Just tried Steam for Mac the other day, and there is a very good reason why it’s so low. Modern macs don’t even let you play games made for Mac!! Since 32-bit support was dropped, you pretty much can’t play any Source games like HL2 or Gmod.
I love this! Golden Grahams are one of my favorite cereals, and I always thought this one had lots of potential…
That’s super cool, and actually useful cause it tells you something as opposed to being inactive text.
Pokémon + Crab Champions. Hmm… A bunch of Krabby beating the crap out of each other?
Perhaps it is for you, my friend. Sadly, I am not let off the hook in this manner…
Hytale doesn’t post on the fediverse yet. That’s my reason.
I’m on android, so it is possible for there to be a difference here, but on iOS every browser uses safari for its webview, so there is absolutely no difference if you use Firefox or safari or chrome.
Sounds like I might be the youngest here lol. I started with Ubuntu 11.04 which I would live boot off CD in my school laptop. After I got my own laptop with Windows 8, I used Windows for a good long while until the thing got super slow after having windows 10 for a while. That’s when I got back in to linux.
An excellent summary. I think instance owners shouldn’t be too quick to block threads. ActivityPub was built around low trust, so why not give them a chance?
As a tech support guy at a retail store in a region of predominantly old people. This is EXACTLY what their laptops, desktops, phones, tablets, and literally everything else look like.
Totally didn’t see the .de at the end lol. I don’t even speak German! >.<
Personally, I host Sandstorm, and Discord music bot, and Minecraft.
Currently a Fedora guy, and have been for a while. Who knows if that will change tho…
Hello from tchncs.de!!
Laughs in framework with four identical USB-C ports that can do anything