No-one’s obligated to read trash. I don’t read other tabloids in case they might have a point.
No-one’s obligated to read trash. I don’t read other tabloids in case they might have a point.
Because my files won’t be pulled because of license reasons. Also we’ve been watching plex for the past few hours without being affected by this issue.
I admire your willingness to engage and respond to vague BS. Keep on keepin on, dude. (also get some rest)
I feel for the people of Huntsville. It really sounds like they got fucked because their last name. But ultimately, you won’t attract talent from other places in the US if you tell them they’re going to be working in Alabama. This is just the consequence of their politicians and the folks to voted for them.
If say Bernie Sanders also broke the law but in his supporters’ minds was morally right, they wouldn’t abandon him.
To add to this, this literally happened in 1963 and is referenced as one of his biggest selling points.
In a climate thats already saturated with “streaming services” Why even create a “streaming service” if the intention seems to be just “NASA news”. It would in my opinion still be better to partner with one of these larger streaming services in order to push NASA to more people.
Huh, that’s actually a reasonable point of view - none of which could’ve been extrapolated from your original comment. Thanks for clarifying.
The ad-free, no-cost streaming service will include live coverage of future launches, documentaries and new original series that will be exclusively available on the platform.
Protip: it’s better to respond to the article rather than what you think the headline means.
I keep thinking about my MiL when I hear this song - “I don’t like him”. She was in the same circles as Bill back in the day - apparently he was not a nice guy to women. I turn the volume up when it’s on because the song’s damn good, but still…
Online services cost a lot of money. People don’t realize how much because VCs and corpos w/ deep pockets have been subsidizing most major services for a long time. Now that the free money period is more-or-less over, these services need to start paying the bills with their users - commence enshittification
There’s constructive criticism and then there’s
There’s a lot of people who just yell at you, people I’ve never seen, met, or talked to before. It’s weird. What did we do to them? Perhaps they just write it from a place of negativity and malice. It’s tiresome.
Coming from ffxiv, YoshiP knows what actual grievances are and what troll comments are. It’s not a “reality distortion field” to call jackasses, jackasses
With the “Xbox Extended Feature Support” option selected, you actually can map individual keys to paddles within steam. The problem is Steam Input/BigPicture has been incredibly unreliable for me within the past few months. I’m just glad I can make changes using the first-party software now.
Edit - saw your edit. Changed the post title to make it a little more clear
FINALLY. This is the only feature I was really missing from the microsoft app. Can finally put actions on the back paddles which don’t correspond to the face/trigger buttons
What changed is he started becoming more public. He’s always been a shithead. There were mentions of him abusing his employees back when I was in grad school in 2012. People on the internet just fell for his mythos and just kept ignoring signs to the contrary until he just…kept…talking… and couldn’t be ignored anymore.
This is an announcement for s2. Eps 9-12 came out a few hours ago
I thought the anime was quite good - it includes context from the stageplays which aren’t in the game. Buuuut -
the impact of the Copied City just didn’t have the same oomph as in the game
I can’t tell if this is a deliberate propaganda campaign or people are actually this clueless and think incumbent presidents regularly compete in primaries.
Honestly I think it’s both. This type of talking point is easy to sell to the people who whine about The Establishment without putting in a modicum of effort to understand why things are that way
This post is also from Sept 2021
I didn’t call you conservative
I don’t believe as single word you said in your first paragraph
They should do everything they can to stop fighting ASAP including a surrender to the Russian forces if necessary
Go fuck yourself tankie.
Tens of thousands of taxes from any individual or family does not go towards the war supplies being sent to Ukraine. Unless you’re a multimillionaire - which you are not.
I know it’s hip to call Biden a 90’s R because he didn’t pass every policy the left wants with a slim majority, but do you even know what a 90’s Republican is / stood for? Because that’s when the party turned to Newt and I don’t see him doing ANYTHING close to that.