Naming my devices after stars. Specifically stars in Ursa-Major
Desktop: alioth Laptop: alkaid Smartphone: alcor SteamDeck: dubhe Server: sarir
Naming my devices after stars. Specifically stars in Ursa-Major
Desktop: alioth Laptop: alkaid Smartphone: alcor SteamDeck: dubhe Server: sarir
Personally I’m a huge fan of dust
Seriously that’s really disappointing. It really seems like investors decides that they needed to “diversify” their offering and they need something with AI now … Framework was on a good path imo but of course a repairable laptop only goes so far since people can repair it and don’t need to replace it every 2 years (or maybe just replace the motherboard) so if you want to grow you need to make more products …
Yeah I saw that. It’s definitely intriguing. For now I’m good with the free tailscale but might look into it. What’s your experience with headscale? It’s mostly a broker right so probably not to Ressource excessive? I have a small public VPS for getting to my selfhosted infrastructure so I might just add in headscale there
I kinda shied away from tailscale because “I wanted to do it on my own” but I’ve just set up tailscale (while on a train no less) and it was really simple … Guess I’ll run with it for now :D now I’ll just have to set up the send/receive scripts but that’s just some BASHing my head against a wall ;)
Thanks for the suggestion!
Guess I was lucky. I got an apprenticeship as a Sysadmin and was told I’d mostly be in the in-house/client IT (Windows) but since I had a lot of Linux experience already, on my first day they put me into the server/hosting department (Linux) where I spent most of my apprenticeship.
But yeah looking for a job now, most companies seem to look for “good experience with windows/Windows server required” and “experience with Linux a bonus”.
I love Calibre. I’ve recently broken my E-Reader (Tolino) but all my books are backed up on Calibre so the only loss is the hardware (still sad but not as annoying)
Still haven’t properly set up my backups … Have my Nextcloud on a zfs (single disk sadly) and want to send it to a server at my parents place (also zfs) but both are behind NAT. While I’ve successfully set up wireguard between the two, but the connection won’t stay up so there’s still a ways to go till I got a happy off-site Backup.
Out of the loop here what’s that meme template/movie?
PS: Joke is good btw ;)
As the other commenter said I use a diff tool (I use vimdiff but meld probably works easiest if your not used to vim). I do a pacdiff after every upgrade that will prompt you for all the changed files (most of the times there are none or the changes are minor) and let you compare your version and the .pacnew file. If anything changes in the syntax in a major way (which it almost never does) you will should spot these differences and be able to amend any changes you made in that way.
The example I gave was when some pam config file syntax changed and since I had a custom pam config (because of an encrypted home) it didn’t update the syntax (creating a pacnew file) then I couldn’t login after reboot.
Not sure how technitium works but just from my selfhosting experience are you sure your not hitting dns-rebinding protection somwhere.
In short DNS rebinding stops domains from being resolved to private IP ranges so you don’t end up back in your Network when you seem to be resolving a public domain.
I have to set up any domains that resolve locally in my router (which also does DNS and DHCP) but not sure if that’s necessary with technitium
Well everyone’s milage may vary. I have set up informant some time ago so I’m forced to read the news on updates. But much more importantly I’ve ignored .pacnew files for years till it bit me in the ass when a Pam config file change broke my login so now I’m not ignoring.pacnew but merging them every update.
Yeah that’s called “Tails” not TailOS. And it’s a pretty great tool.
I feel that. I’ve used Linux before systemd but when I went into the “nitty gritty” by using arch systemd had just been implemented and everything I learned about startup services init etc. was systemd based. When I started my career working in servers they were redhat/CentOS so still systemd and when I switched jobs Debian already had made the switch so (most of) the systems at my new job were also systemd based. Of course I learned the basics of init files and even some rc.d but systemd still makes the most sense to me and like you say it’s “comfy”.
I was like batch 5 of the AMD framework 13 running Arch and Gnome on it.
I did have some problems with suspend/nvme drive that was fixed by replacing the nvme. If you go with their drive you’ll probably be fine (I just grabbed one I had laying around). Ever since then the laptop is perfect. If you do get it check out the Archwiki article that has a lot of helpful tips for tuning your OS to the Hardware
I’ve never been a real plasma user (played around with it sure but never more than a week or something) and have been using GNOME since ~3.10 the whole workflow is just ingrained in my mind and simply works. So I’d be happy to hear how you’re doing on Plasma even if I don’t see myself switching anytime soon.
I had an external HDD that I was using for years. Some of that time it was attached to a Server basically running 24/7 definitely dropped that thing a couple of times. That HDD has been out of use for years now but I’m sure I could just plug it in tomorrow and it would spin up fine. HDDs can last forever untill they don’t.
So Backups! And don’t worry about the rest.
Also as others said if you’re interested how long and hard it’s actually been working check out the smart data if there are any fail criteria you might wanna get a new one just to avoid restoring from Backup but if all’s green just let it keep chugging until it doesn’t and remember Backups!
They absolutely do have “Startup Applications” in gnome not sure what the article is describing but I usually use gnome-tweak which offers a simple interface that shows currently running apps and a list of all apps and easily lets you select them to start at boot
Don’t make the same mistake I did and get a mini PC with at least two of the same interface (so 2x data or 2x m.2) I have one with only one m.2 and so I have os and data all on a single nvme with no redundancy (I know raid/zfs mirror is no backup but redundancy is still better than none)