Same here. I would feel much happier to consider shopping around again if more options than just Google offered updates but that never seems to materialize
Same here. I would feel much happier to consider shopping around again if more options than just Google offered updates but that never seems to materialize
Their phones cost the same as iPhones with imo usually worse hardware which at least to me defeats the purpose.
Now will any company actually use this? It’s my biggest issue with android phones is so many of them just never get security updates
Hey no worries, we all learn sometime. Easiest way in my experience is to login (or create an account) with your insurance company. The website should be on the back of your card or other paperwork. They’ll have a “search for care” option somewhere, mine calls if “find care.”
When we moved I used that to search for primary care doctors and then called one nearby and asked to get a new patient appointment. It did take a few calls as between the lists sometimes being out of date and there not being a huge surplus of doctors but it took maybe a half hour? I think it was the second or third call that got me set up.
If they don’t have that option you can use something like Google maps and search for “primary care doctor” but if you are in the US you will want to ask during the phone call to confirm they take your insurance company.
Start with your primary care doctor! I asked at my annual exam and had a list of things I had noticed I was struggling with and he saved me the hassle of a second appointment. It did help that most of my issues were inattentive based and VERY obvious from what I’ve been told.
He prescribed a non-stimulant which was also nice but if he hadn’t been my doc for a while he would’ve just given me a referral to who I needed to go to.
“There is a very specific group that does have to worry about their immunity from vaccination. People born after 1957 but vaccinated before 1968 — that group is unlikely to have robust immunity from infection,” she said, because “at that point in time, they were using less effective vaccines.” There are also other people who could potentially benefit from getting a booster. “I myself have gotten boosted in the past because I work in health care, I’ve worked overseas and I’ve worked in places where there was an active measles outbreak," she said.
Heads up for late boomer/gen xers in there (and those that work in health care settings likely to see measles patients).
How the hell is that thing legal to sell??
I don’t know man this level of ingenuity really makes me want to buy a new HP printer! /s
I use calibre for my kindle, but kavita for web reading on any of my devices.
The calibre web server kept claiming its downloads to my device were corrupted and would just never open books. Kavita just sends the books page as a web page which gets rid of that particular issue
Never forget that Gavin Newsom signed on in support of the lawsuit the Supreme Court used to legalize this kind of bullshit.
This might work with the original parts which would be shockingly nice, I have a few cheap Amazon servos on order to see if they might work
It would need some changes so it could be pulled to either side but that is the closest framework I’ve seen yet!
I love the idea, is there a way to do tap/click to turn the page instead of continuous though? I’ve been looking for something similar to host sheet music for myself but continuous mode is non-workable for my admittedly niche use case.
You know how Kim Jong Un starts making all sorts of nuclear threats and ignoring treaties every time he needs aid or just wants attention, just so he can extract concessions and ignore the new treaty next time he wants attention? That’s what Trump is doing now.
And North Korea doesn’t look great so I guess we’d have to quibble over what you mean by working. If you only mean working to stroke Trump’s ego, then sure. If you mean it as in getting anything meaningful then no I still have to say it’s not working.
Fair point on the troops.
In regards to why the wouldn’t do this before, they wouldn’t do it before because it won’t do shit to be frank. They have caved to the US via phone call, notably during Biden’s administration in order to lighten the number of migrants reaching the border.
Trump’s boots on the border crap looks good, but it won’t solve the why people are trying to get in. To do that would require undoing decades of CIA meddling in Latin America, and frankly money to help fix the systemic issues that caused. I’ll leave 6 quick links below on that history.
They’re only “folding” because they’re essentially being asked to do nothing or getting agreements they’ve wanted for ages, none of which required a trade war. In the article Mexico supposedly is getting help with weapons trafficked from the US to Mexico, something they’ve wanted for a while and the only thing they agreed to was to put some troops near the border. There’s no substantive mention of any work done towards the “trade deficit” Trump was yelling about.
So yeah it “worked” but only in areas we could have achieved with a friendly phone call without all the bullshit trump is doing. Anyone with enough of a brain to understand you can do those things without baseless threats could’ve done what Trump did faster and with less blowback.
well dang. The ones I linked are $35-55 a pop new and the organ I have would need roughly 73 of them lol. Barring a miracle find from someone I’m assuming the touch screen I’ve been using is there to stay.
Susan Balfour, 63, was incarcerated for 33 years at Central Mississippi Correctional Facility until her release in December 2021. Balfour said she was among a group of prisoners asked to clean the facility without protective equipment.
She was later diagnosed with terminal breast cancer, a condition that prison health care providers failed to identify years ago because they could save money by not performing necessary medical screenings and treatment, according to the lawsuit Balfour filed in the U.S. Southern District of Mississippi.
Balfour’s attorneys and Gibbs say over 10 other Mississippi inmates have come down with cancer or become seriously ill after they were exposed to chemicals while on work assignments.
Cleaning supplies are often caustic, this just seems like incredibly unnecessary cruelty. They also waited till the very end of the article to mention the prison doctors did think she needed a test for cancer years prior and the medical groups just refused to send her to get the test.
Balfour sued three companies contracted to provide health care to prisoners at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility. The companies delayed or failed to schedule follow-up cancer screenings for Balfour even though they had been recommended by prison physicians, the lawsuit says.
Then do so and we’ll post the link to their story here when we see it.
Just get some tinnitus the fan noise is basically the same!