5 € VPN + 5 € seedbox is a great combo. I would swear Mullvad is even faster now that they stopped supporting PF.
5 € VPN + 5 € seedbox is a great combo. I would swear Mullvad is even faster now that they stopped supporting PF.
abook.link is a usenet indexer. Rarely/never mentioned but they have a nice community and you can easily make a request. My go-to site if I’m not looking for something semi-popular.
5€ is already dirt cheap. If you have another ~ 5€ service that can max out my 1 Gbps connection when I download, I am all ears.
If you find your way into good private usenet indexers, definitely yes. Often I download full Blu-rays posted 10 years ago maxing out my internet connection. Imagine Megaupload from their best days, but better. (at least for movies/tv)
Nzb360 is the answer you are looking for. You can find it on mobilism.
It’s probably too complicated for a lot of people who got used to using torrents or they just don’t know what they are missing out.
Makes sense. My average upload amount dropped by 50%, too. What download speeds do you get with airvpn? I have 1 Gbps so anything below 80 MB/s wouldn’t be worth switching.