Anyone know off hand if liquid seaweed covers all these bases?
Anyone know off hand if liquid seaweed covers all these bases?
I haven’t had any problems.
It gets a mist a couple of times a week and is watered regularly, it gets fed with liquid seaweed around once a month. Our house tends to stay between 40 and 60% humidity which probably helps. It can get a few crispy ends in the winter but then I try and mist it a bit more. Funnily enough we bought two at the same time and the other one didn’t last long, this guy is a strong one.
My wife and I bought a couple during lockdown and things have grown from there if you’ll excuse the pun. We’d only just bought our first place together and it was our first opportunity to own any. We now probably have a few too many!
The way I understand it is that communities aren’t cached (if that’s the right word) on your server until someone directly searches for it.
You could post a bug on the Jerboa community. It might be known and have a fix out soon. I think most apps have their own quirks. Either way, let me know if you have any success.
I also don’t get them on Jerboa. What instance are you on? I think that communities wont show up in your instance unless someone has already accessed them. If you search directly for the ones in the post above, they should show up. I think you have to put an exclamation mark in front of the term. E.g.
Hope that works.
Can also confirm
From what The Dude said initially it’s to avoid having to deal with the legal side of hosting content that might be illegal. In that instance it being hosted here is the problem.
I like the icon.
Taking a crap (crappers were common toilets back in the day, I actually used a crapper toilet recently, that was a day to remember)
Us Brits offten call the toilet ‘the bog’
Doing a poo is the most frequent in my house.
There is a 2?
I have a Fitbit sense, it has a blood oxygen estimation but not constant, doesn’t really do blood pressure.
If you are just looking for those metrics then it doesn’t do a bad job, basically a lifestyle tracker. If you are looking at it from a sports perspective I’d recommend a Garmin over a Fitbit.
I don’t have any experience with any others though.
If the winning team commits a penalty/s in the last two minutes, the game doesn’t end until the penalty/ies are over.
It requires that they be within a drawable margin of course.
A toasted bagel with salted butter and whole earth peanut butter. I already eat it for a third of my meals.
The curved edge is a gimmick and a route to breaking your screen easier.
I always use a case so it doesn’t bother me much.
I just waft them away. I find you have to be pretty aggressive with a wasp in order for them to sting you.
I’ve heard (so take it with a pinch of salt) that in autumn they all get kicked out of their hive and their lives are a big food orgy and they are more likely to be aggressive.
If anyone thinks their asshole is clean from just a jet of water, they are either eating plenty of fiber or are going around with a dirty asshole. I also have not got the time to blow dry my ass e be every time I poop.
If the thought of a social media platform not existing gives you anxiety then I think you need to take a break from it. I don’t know you or your life but I don’t think spending a lot of time on these platforms is mentally healthy regardless.
I think everyone has answered your question correctly so far. You can’t beat plywood for strength, but it is expensive. There are middle ground alternatives.
There is Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) which is between the two on strength but takes paint brilliantly. Many cabinet makers use this exclusively for mid range quality furniture.
Even cheaper is chipboard which is about as bad, or worse than OSB but you can get it laminated. Most very cheap furniture from places like IKEA use it and it can do a reasonable job.
All of these materials have their quirks, mainly on how you finish end grain (even plywood). Both MDF and chipboard suck at taking a screw so you have to get special screws and use them carefully. Make sure you do some research, there’s plenty of YouTube videos on using the products.