We are so fucked. We gotta do something
We are so fucked. We gotta do something
You’re an idiot and the reason Trump won and is ruining the country. Congrats you enlightened centrist. Stupid fuck
No clue, but the question was what do they have that people like. People really really like youtube
Was that a qualifier? “What exactly does google have left that people like?” Youtube, they have youtube
They’re the #1 in streaming. More people watch youtube on their TV’s than Netflix
Go join the jihad Linker, I’m sure they’ll treat you great. Go fight those big bad imperialists and become one of the terrorists that you seem to love
Bingo, this guys the worst. There’s a concerning amount of leftists who see one side is outmatched and losing a fight, and think it’s a worthy cause to support. Brain dead. This guy in particular loves terrorists. It’s wild
Hang this traitor cunt
Tomato tomato. They use them for sales and revenue
Duh. As these models get better they’ll become more widely used by enterprises to save costs. That’s why these tech companies spent so much developing them… to sell them. The solution isn’t banning AI btw, it’s providing UBI to those most affected
What a complete joke that company is
Hell yeah, fuck them up!
We’ll see how it pans out. As of now I don’t know of any phone manufacturer doing on-device AI… so??? Is that innovation?
This just in: richest people in the US are greedy cocksuckers who will do anything to avoid paying taxes, including backing a convicted felon for president
Shameful. Bring out the guillotines
Yeah it’s all bundled together. Before the internet, there were established authorities on certain matters. Now any idiot can go on twitter and claim to be a MD and fool a bunch of other idiots into thinking vaccines are deadly and used for brainwashing.
Like I said before, it’s the complete erosion of actual Truth
Yeah it can even be less sinister. The dumbest people can all hear someone of perceived authority (like someone on Rogan for example) who says “there’s actually no proof the world is round” and the idiots can be like “I knew it! I was right all along!” And they’ll never accept anything else because they were “proven right” that one time
It’s the complete degradation of (capital T) Truth
Turns out, people are just stupid and the more information access you give them the more they can reinforce their stupidity with other idiots’ opinions
He finally got it. Congratulations to Sleepy, Crooked, Convicted Felon Donald!
Entire admin is pathetic losers. And thanks a lot to all those geniuses who wouldn’t vote for Kamala because of Gaza, this is partially on your hands