So you had an egg in these trying times, did you?
© 2024 @skaffi@infosec.pub
So you had an egg in these trying times, did you?
deleted by creator
The problem here is that those are filters, and the newcomer will usually still be faced with several options, which will still make them scratch their head.
A wizard is a good idea, with simple questions, rather than filter buttons.
But it needs to end up telling you “here you go, this is the one you want!”, giving you just a single instance. Doesn’t matter that multiple will probably match the answers given - then just pick one at random. Chances are, they will be equally happy on either, and if not, well, it isn’t very hard to switch to a new instance later on, when they have become regular Lemmists.
I don’t think there’s anything democratic about publicly singling out some users as pariahs. If a user is disruptive, just get rid of them. If they’re not, leave them be. If the jury’s still out on this one, well, don’t bias the jury against them.
I don’t think so, but I wouldn’t be surprised if, as the old world order continues to change into… this, that we will see an expansion/rework/new layer on top of the current association agreements. Something more like associate member states.
My guess is that it will take a form where associate states will have no explicit political power (no elected politicians, and not likely any appointed political positions either), but will have greater access to less direct influence, that could potentially-eventually even include formal rights of hearing with the Commission, a right to speak in Parliament, and/or guarantees of consultation on certain matters.
I think this could become a more standardised system than the current association agreements. In many ways it would be like having different membership tracks, with different benefits and requirements. I expect that realist school foreign policy is going to overwhelmingly dominate global foreign affairs, with the idealist school being relegated to mainly having influence in regional foreign affairs. As such, I think standards on political and human rights that these associate members will have to live up to are going to be an order og magnitude less strict than what is required of full members. There will probably be other requirements that will be more important, such as certain foreign policy commitments.
As for level of integration, I would imagine that such an associate member would be able to become fully integrated in many areas, but on an opt-in basis, possibly with almost standardised package deals, where certain benefits and obligations (both legal and economic) are bestowed together. Things like Schengen membership, or access to some of the large redistribute programs (agricultural subsidies come to mind) will remain very exclusive, and membership in these will continue to be largely political, rather than something that can be accessible to any associate member that fulfills certain objective criteria.
Do I have any special insights that make me able to predict the future? No. No one can predict the future. But I think these are some pretty solid guesses.
Can you delete it a little harder? It’s still there for me. Maybe you only put it in the thrash bin. You need to either empty the bin, or press shift+delete in order to delete it permanently.
Godspeed. We’re all counting on you, oh ye who has the power to delete all of Reddit!
P.S.: Not trying to make fun of you, btw! Just entertaining myself. “Deleting” something sounds so different when you’re used to using it through your browser. :D
Me browsing Lemmy, finding this post
You’ve got three guesses!
That aside, I remember back in the day that Op4 received a lot of praise from fans, while Blue Shift was considered by many to be underwhelming. I love them both, but I always thought Blue Shift was the better game. Op4 might be longer and more full of new content, but it’s also all kind of thrown together, playing very loose with the universe. Blue Shift was, by comparison, short, clean, well told, and nailed the setting and gameplay. To me it feels like a very Half-Life game, whereas Op4 feels more like fanfic, like the most impressive single player Half-Life mod ever made.
I agree with you. I’m a huge fan of the series, and I love them all, but I also think my favourite will always be the first one. I honestly think there are many parts of its design that are just impressive, but also subtle enough that they are rarely recognised.
It does of course also have its weak points, that can be critiqued, but I would be boring you with a nitpicky critique, in a long form format, outside the scope of what anyone would want from a Lemmy comment, if I started on that, I think.
I do think Half-Life qualifies as a masterpiece, though. That’s why I am always sad to see when it is recommended to newcomers to the series as the way to experience original, you know? Hell no. It’s an inferior game in many ways.
Black Mesa was a really fun fan homage to Half-Life. I played it several times, and I’m glad that it exists. I think it’s great that it sometimes put its own spin on things, instead of trying to be a 1:1 recreation (because, then, what would be the point, when Half-Life already exists?), but there were some of its design choices that seemed kinda not thought through, and randomly contrarian to its source (pun not intended, hah) material. Its soundtrack was also stupefying… Not only was it bad, in terms of quality, but it seemed like an antithesis to Half-Life’s soundtrack, which was very head-scratching, considering that the game seemed to try to aim at capturing the spirit and essence of Half-Life.
Is it related to the browser NetSurf?
Holy shit. I got Logitech peripherals, and an ASUS motherboard. I’m glad I’m on Linux. I still have Windows installed, and booted into it around 2 weeks ago, after it having lied dormant for four months. I didn’t notice anything being installed, but maybe I had to reboot first.
Quite possibly, my peripherals and motherboard are all too old to have this anti-feature. Do you know if there is a list of which of their hardware this is the case for?
Damnit, I always preferred Logitech mice. I guess I might have bought my last one.
You are the one, Neko.
I remember that the sound of his voice surprised me a lot, but I really like it. It honestly sounds a lot more normal than I would have expected - but I guess the voice is the difference between a god and a fake god!
I have been really curious about that, actually, but since I don’t speak French, it’s been hard for me to follow the post-election developments. Are you able to give a recap, or point me to a good summary somewhere?
When “supply” of “quote on quotes” is higher than “demand”. :p
His first time was shortly after he tried what those in the scene refer to as “spinning”. All that violence happened while he was still high on the rush from that very first spin of his. It seemed like a “good trick” at the time, but like with many other a vulnerable youth before him and after him, it was nothing but a “gateway trick”, that started him down a dark side-path in life, where he, hungry for more, would seek out dangerous knowledge on how to perform increasingly darker and darker “tricks”. But that path inevitably leads to oblivion, for anyone who takes it. He ended up destroying not only those he loved, as well as many innocents who happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, along the way, until his addiction to these tricks would eventually claim its final victim - namely himself.
And that’s why you should always say “NO!” to spinning! It might seem tempting and harmless, when a friend offers you just a little spin, right? But that person is not your friend, and that spin is anything but harmless. So, take the Spin-Free Pledge with me and all of your friends today, and you will be able to take home your very own SpinNot™ diploma to hang on your wall. And when some hoodlum on the street offers you a spin, remember these words, which will surely make him reevaluate his own life decisions in quiet shame, as you loudly and proudly tell him:
Spinning - not even once!
Use OBS for streaming. It’s a great FOSS piece of software. You generally don’t stream your whole desktop, but instead make a composite of different sources, such as different windows. Start experimenting with it if, if you want to start streaming soon. Same for you, @boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net!
And besides QMMP, Audacious also traces its code roots back to XMMS.
Whether that’s the case or not, I think it is secondary to the fact that he clearly says on the website that he definitely doesn’t want it to go open source, for as long as he is working on it.
Me too! So much so that I have sworn to name my first secretary Kate.