Russian military is building their own while West is buying from others. Obviously the Russian’s gonna be better and cheaper then westerners.
Russian military is building their own while West is buying from others. Obviously the Russian’s gonna be better and cheaper then westerners.
You liberal motherfucker, what about freedom of speech, expression and not becoming a echo chamber.
Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine
Special military operation you dummy.
I am talking about ruling party here, BJP. They blame every thing bad to be previous govt’s faults.
They fear their comparison with Gandhis so much that they are hell bent on discrediting them of any thing good happened to India in their rule.
It’s not INC helping BJP getting more powerful but the electoral bonds and current state of media landscape in country.
You seem to be differentiating ruling and opposition parties on the basis of their ideologies like left or right. But, when talking about INC not being so left you conveniently forget the recent PR stunts of RaGa meeting to and thus getting exposed to perils of working class of country. Don’t you think it will affect the policies of upcoming govt and this govt too.
No parties in India elect their party presidents democratically by allowing party workers to vote.
So most people throughout the country hasn’t any problem with dynastic party presidency in INC except those watching too much godi media or BJP IT cell workers. Even that dynasticism in INC has stopped now by INC becoming the first party to democratically elect the party president by allowing all party workers accross the country to vote.
What’s important here is that INC respected constitution, democratic institutions and gave them more power and most importantly they were not sold outs like BJP politicians. Let’s take Modi for example, this fucker was a RSS worker, turned to fascism, accepted becoming a corporate dog to keep power. He seems to be a powerful figure being Indian PM but we all know he is just a sold out bastered, a corporate dog that is hell bent on selling the country to his few crony owners who are backing him with election expenditures via electoral bonds and lending him media coverage to keep him popular among gullible masses.
Thats what they do, blame every thing bad to Gandhis.
BJP has proved that if you remove the Gandhis from INC it will be reduced to just another BJP, a corporate slut, riding on fascism, selling the country to cronies funding their elections. People who want the Gandhis out are just asking for BJP’s long wet dream to come true.
Weakened democratic institutions, ever increasing authoritarianism, growing fascism, brainwashed masses to discard any form of opposition to govt on the basis of ultra nationalism, corporate media’s deliberate attempt to keep opposition out of picture, using various state apparatuses to frame cases and punish members of opposition parties are few of the things mainly responsible for opposition looking so shit in India.
Modi’s crony friends controls every media landscape in country be it social, tv or print to create the magic you are responding to.
Russian military is building their own while western ones are buying it from corporations that want only profit and nothing else. So to keep this profit going up they don’t expand their factory capacity creating an artificial scarcity of shells to keep their prices up. But it’s not the case with Russian military.