Gizmodo hasn’t been relevant since they leaked the iPhone 4 and Apple marked them ex-communicado
Gizmodo hasn’t been relevant since they leaked the iPhone 4 and Apple marked them ex-communicado
Exactly. It’s a good place to look for an answer, but if the answer isn’t there, save yourself from the angry mob and ask chatGPT.
I believe LG is also a South Korean company compared to the Chinese ones you mentioned so maybe there is a little patriotic incentive for LG over there.
This is awesome. I’m gonna save this and unfortunately probably do nothing with it. It’s something I’d like to do but I don’t listen to a whole lot of music and spotify is cheap enough it’s not worth the effort for me. But this is quite impressive.
Saudi Arabia funded a new golf league called LIV. They played less golf and paid way more. We’re talking winning one LIV event paying as much some people make in winnings their entire career on the PGA Tour. So PGA tour said if you play on the LIV tour you’re banned from the PGA tour. A fair amount of decent or even big name players left anyway. Earlier this year, in only the second year of the LIV tour, the PGA tour announced they are more or less going to merge with the LIV tour. The players who did not make the jump to LIV are mad because they missed out on a big pay day and say they are due a reward and the LIV players should be penalized. Frankly to me, the LIV guys made a bet, took a chance, a risk, and it paid off and the guys who stayed played it safe and are jealous.
They tried it in Big O. Led to giant robot attacks if I recall.
If they don’t want to text you because you don’t have an iPhone they’re not friends you want to have.
Reddit was a good boy, but it died long ago. This is just what’s left.
Are you willing to share the spreadsheet you have so far? Or maybe sticky it to your new community? It would be nice to have a way to verify/review the providers posting on the community provide what they claim.