This would sell well AND everyone would know what greedy murderers look like so they can stay safe.
This would sell well AND everyone would know what greedy murderers look like so they can stay safe.
Our could war enemy has the president of the United States in his pocket.
Never let the intolerant win.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a corrupt criminal who should be in jail.
One of the few people standing up for their fellow Americans. A true patriot surrounded by people with an addiction to greed.
First they came for the NSFW, and I did not speak out—because I was not NSFW.
I wonder if someone cut off the CEO’s limbs, would the medical necessity of prosthetic limbs would be questioned?
The people running Reddit are so useless that they can’t ban things they don’t like fast enough, so they have to punish their userbase for their ineptitude.