I hope to see a bigger push across all tech for this. We can’t possibly do better in the fight to improve the climate if we keep using gadgets that have to be replaced every two years.
I hope to see a bigger push across all tech for this. We can’t possibly do better in the fight to improve the climate if we keep using gadgets that have to be replaced every two years.
It isn’t that bad and really the endgame needs some time tuning but is in an overall better place than it has been for most Diablo launches.
It seems like the only hope of any true change is to get people that have been deeply impacted by these events into office. Good luck to her.
It’s too bad those conservatives who do support it are the same people who vote against all of their own interests constantly.
You do realize he was born in South Africa so is therefore ineligible to hold the office of President right?
It’s a truly perplexing design choice but at least they are being up front about it I guess. Hopefully they can get it sorted sooner than later.
Having the standard three and a top center is perfect way to run a dual personal/work PC setup in my experience.
They have a primary candidate by the name of Vivek Ramaswamy who wants to do just that, raise the voting age.
Despite it reading like she was always the obvious top pick you just know some people are going to turn around and say Biden’s only doing it because of the historical significance of her being the first woman to hold the spot.
Edge is fine for the most part. I prefer FireFox on my personal devices but Edge does the job for Enterprise pretty well.
Reddit is Fun.
Unfortunately I don’t think anything like this exists in the game yet. Looks like they will be introducing the 'Scroll of Amnesia" as a seasonal item to reset your character, but that reads like a one way one time thing.
Agreed. Bluetooth wasn’t great at first but has been fine for years now.
Only level 64 but this accurately describes the bear druid experience. With any luck you get the shockwave aspect early but I didn’t until mid forties. Once you get it together though it kicks ass.
Same energy as the way North Korea worships their dear leader.
I switch between swiping and typing. It works pretty well most of the time.
Longcat is longgg.
Monopolies are generally bad but Microsoft does seem to be doing a decent enough job with all the other studios they have scooped up. If we can get Bobby Kotick out of the picture seems like a win to me.
And usually all these pressers do is increase his donations. It’s wild.