“would Luigi approve?”
“would Luigi approve?”
Maybe different brackets based on measured testosterone level? The highest tier can be super buff dudes on steroids. Sounds interesting.
No, the person you’re replying to likely lives in an area with annual assessment limits. This means when they move into their house, they pay taxes on the assessed amount at that time. Every year, even if the assessment shows a 50% increase in value, your tax increase will be capped at something like a 2% increase. Over the course of 30 years this adds up to huge tax savings the longer you stay in one place. The downsides are that it causes more traffic, causes homes to sell less often, and provides less local tax to fund public programs like schools.
Sounds like a series of bad decisions is required to persue that career path
I’d hire him. That’s C suite material
No, don’t English me, bro!
Especially him!
Only on overcast days
So we must become the shareholders?
No such thing, so everyone can disregard this message and still comply with it
Idk, I don’t have spectrum
Can confirm. Fuck around for a scheduled 2 hrs per day (30 mins at the start, 1 hr lunch, 30 mins at the end), and put the pedal to the metal for the other 6 hours. You’ll be amazed how you don’t feel burnt out but still got the same amount of work done.
Yeah it’s a decades-old term at this point.
R: curl the sides of the tongue up to your upper molars
L: curl the front of your tongue up to the roof of your mouth
So he’s saying it’s possible but gonna take 50% longer than he wants. Working longer hours is not the bottleneck here.
Spectrum is an ISP that has recently started mobile service. My guess is if you buy a phone through them they install this spyware app that you can’t remove.
My bet is he shows up for the interview but after a few questions doing his best to spin things his way and failing he rage quits and just walks off stage early. They had better prepare extra material just in case
I’m surprised he doesn’t sign an EO saying American is the national language
Yeah we have IDEs to color keywords for us these days. Caps is just extra work
I was just thinking about this yesterday. These days, Lemmy is just making me depressed. I like to read comments to get further insight to articles, maybe someone trying to point out the author’s bias, or a joke. But Lemmy comments are all some variation of “the world is doomed”, “kill this person”, or “capitalism is the root of all woe”. They are neither useful, insightful, or improve my day in any way. Lemmy is making my life less enjoyable. It was already an overall negative and cynical space during the Biden administration; now it is unbearable.
I’ve been on Lemmy for a long time now, since Reddit killed 3rd party clients with their API change, but now I think I might go back to Reddit. The company itself has a lot of problems, but at least I can get a lot of non-doom content to fill my day.