I respect you as a human and your unique existence… Miracle Whip is ass.
I respect you as a human and your unique existence… Miracle Whip is ass.
I don’t know if it was nostalgia, or the story, or the gameplay… But, man, I miss that game.
That being said, don’t discount your expertise in your lived experience. The importance of theoretical and experiential expertise is equal in my eyes.
Maybe not directly correlated, but I would hire someone with 10 years experience over someone who studied the subject for 10 years.
Any tips you can give for someone who is running k8s on rpi4s and wants to switch architectures? Sounds like you did something similar and while my rpis are holding strong, I want something with a little more power like a few N100 based micro pcs.
Oh shit… This was funny. Thank you.
I’d love to see the data on this if you have it. Isn’t weed more long term impact than the others you listed?
The number of times I’ve bought more Legos “for the kids”…
Costco is the best place to do this. Big heavy carts and huge parking lots for speed and distance. I always get a few smiles when people see a 40-ish year old man flying down the aisle.
I’m going to have to disagree on this one. After 3 days you aren’t going to have a soft, enjoyable poo. You’re going to be passing a small turd-child through a hole that’s not meant to stretch that wide.
“What do you mean the presents don’t want to work anymore?! That have to! They’re… They’re Pesents!”
No, but you get a reply from a different stranger and that’s the microdose of dopamine we all live for.
I thought the cold shot to the hole was going to be horrible, but it’s actually a little refreshing.
If you get a portable one, make sure you get the kind with two hoses. Otherwise you’ll create a vacuum that will pull in hot air to the room you’re trying to cool.
The second hose prevents that by using outside air instead.
I can’t. :(
Heh… Armpits. I know what you meant, but you still gave me a giggle with that one.