That is a great shot, probably marine erosion is more responsible for the geomorph here rather than wind or rain.
That is a great shot, probably marine erosion is more responsible for the geomorph here rather than wind or rain.
And the US by extension is becoming noise too, there seems to be universal domestic capitulation. Not much land of the free and the brave happening.
A lot of people won’t know but Edge is a browser made by Microsoft that nobody uses and now less than no one will use.
Reading about the predicted terrible human cost of the loss of aid across the world does make me wonder if this was a possible hidden motivation for its creation. Presented as altruism it nevertheless went some way to make countries and groups dependent upon it, thereby creating a tool for local destabilisation as needed. Trump is not using it in this way, his rationale is worse even than the one I have suggested.
If you don’t know what bing is just google it.
The last half hour of Close Encounters made mundane by reality.
Well and good but how is Kasparov and his lilac marigolds anything to do with it.
All of this in the open, with the world watching. Building camps at home and removing rights. Sinking further and further into shame, with all the talk of bravery and freedom in the national anthem and when the time comes there is only total and instant capitulation. The US will never regain its position in the world.
The original point I was making is that the use of the word ‘addiction’ was incorrect, firstly it throws the blame back onto the Mexicans which is a misdirection and secondly it makes the idea absurd by the comparison of the ill effects of Coca Cola with those of truly addictive hard drugs like heroin, thereby minimising the problem.
Billionaires do not have any special talents, perhaps beyond a coldness of spirit and lack of empathy so that their population is determined by the current holding capacity of the socio-economic and political world they find themselves in. What I mean to say by this is if you cause a particular billionaire to live an additional hundred years the result is not an increase in the net number of billionaires but rather their revised individual longevity simply limits other sociopaths from assuming billionaire status. Now you likely do not personally know any billionaires so whether they are constantly reshuffled by a natural lifespan or its the same set of long lived fuckers actually makes no odds to you. You do however very likely know people within a fifty meter radius of you, family and friends. Your life will be greatly enriched by the resurrection of such people and for the reasons I have stated not overly harmed by Nosferatuing a few mega-rich.
OpenAI states there are doubts over the legality of some of the actions of its competitors, further stating there are no doubts over the legality of some of its own actions.
For Android read Google backup storage equivalency - Google Drive, Gmail and Google Photos.
Even the rest of the world’s far right are telling Trump’s entourage not to go full Nazi.
They have not asked Google for similar does that mean they already have backdoor access to Android?
The colour scheme looks quite painful.
Almost 90% of The World see Trump as bad for The World
It will look like a man playing with a dog, and we are not the man.
It was a quote from Norm Macdonald, comedy - look it up if German search engines lower themselves with such humourous returns. The Germans are what they are, today they fought against appeasement and led a European announcement of greatly increased defense spending to support Ukraine and the world more widely, a difficult and noble decision. Filling the gap left as the US falls ever further into shame.
Double, double toil and trouble, server burn and model bubble.
I was there too and I believe there is a chance this is the start of inorganic intelligence. I think LLM might have hit upon the way the subconscious organic mind arrives at thought, by best guess of the most probable based on learned experience. That is then passed to the conscious mind - when you wrote your reply you did not grapple over every word, whole sentences and responses simply popped into your conscious mind passed from the subconscious where all the work was done. And I have a good idea that work was probabilistic.
Everything is catfishing, when you put your best foot forward or wear your best shirt or be funnier or cooler than you actually are. Same as couples used to court but courting is grooming, it is the modern world’s desire to terrorise everyone into passivity by demonising the simple everyday activities of life.