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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I’ve always drawn the dividing line between people who have to work and people who choose to work. The latter can spend every waking moment of their lives ensuring that the former never, ever become one of them. And it sure looks they are succeeding. If the survival of mankind hinges on rich people willingly giving up ANY of their wealth at all, then mankind will perish. To a rich person, giving up wealth is no different than someone suggesting to you that they need to cut your nose, ears and limbs off to save humanity. You’d say no to that as well. In fact, you’d do anything to avoid this scenario. And while you’re slaving away for a minimum wage that should be $25, and quibble over trans rights, the rich laugh into their fists, watching as you still don’t seem to have realised that the bargaining power would be in your hands if you could just unite for a fucking second.

  • This person titles their book “do not move to Canada”, then immediately goes on to say that the book isn’t about telling you not to move to Canada, but about the problems he had living there.

    The first two available chapters of the book are full of grammatical and spelling mistakes…fine, the author is russian, but how about having someone proof read the book first?

    It’s 9.99 but the author states it can be read in one to two hours. That price is bonkers. Supposedly YouTube comments by people claiming to have made the same or similar experiences are why reading the book is worth it.

    There is an overarching message here, which I can agree with: never romanticise another country as some utopian paradise. It’s highly unlikely that such a place even exists. The world is a neoliberal, capitalist hellscape, where some places suck ever so slightly less because rich people have been somewhat reigned in by the rule of law, but the differences between countries are minor at best.

    Just do your own research, for free.

  • You can’t really use Wayland with Nvidia. Whether it’ll ever be possible will be up to Nvidia…if they release open source drivers, then it will. Otherwise, no chance. I have a 3080 and use Manjaro XFCE. Gaming is nearly flawless. But it’s not Wayland.

    Couldn’t judge sunshine etc. as I don’t stream.

    Generally, I’d say you’ll do much better with AMD on Linux, if you don’t rely on Nvidia specific features.

  • I’ve worked in advertising for a decade and, while on the one hand, the industry indeed tries to track your every move, it’s rarely done well or in a coordinated fashion. Ever wonder why it’s still not possible to switch off ads for products you’ve already bought? Online advertising is mostly blind spam, which is why you will be advertised the thing you’ve just bought ad nauseam. If they had these ultra-accurate profiles of everyone, they’d advertise you something you haven’t bought. Using a basic adblocker instantly kills 99% of an advertiser’s ability to publicly gather your data. It gets more complicated in the walled gardens: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft etc. have an unbelievable amount of information about you, but they don’t willingly share this. They use it to milk you within their walled gardens (do note, that in order to avoid Meta, you cannot use Threads, Instagram, any of their hardware, Facebook or WhatsApp).

    Ultimately, it’s still your choice whether you let them surveil you and it turns out people give these rights up willingly.

    If you have an Alexa, it’s your fault that Amazon can spy on everything your family says. If you’ve given WhatsApp your mobile number, then it’s your fault that Facebook can read and analyse everything you’ve said to anyone on WhatsApp, connected to a near-perfectly unique ID against your name.

    It is up to the users to not willingly provide this information. Trying to do this the regulatory way is all well and good, but it takes decades and the industry moves faster than that. And many countries don’t care at all anyway.

    You simply have to give up this dream of corporate ultra-convenience. You have to decide to live a slightly harder life: Linux instead of windows, open source instead of proprietary. Mastodon instead of Twitter, Lemmy instead of Reddit, etc etc

  • (Some reasons) Why people vote for right wing populists:

    • billionaires are above the law
    • be it a pandemic, recession, whatever, billionaires profit from all crises
    • there are two strata in society: people who have to work and people who choose whether to work. So long as the latter exists and invests all their time into ensuring that the former will forever be the vast majority of society, people will protest vote
    • worse, the billionaires pay millionaires to tell thousandaires what the various classes in society are and who the ‘real’ enemy is and it will always be foreigners or the gays or some BS like that (an enemy that’s always simultaneously infinitely strong and weak)
    • there’s billionaires in the first place

    (I’m well aware that other things can be reasons, too, like perceived loss of living standards, increased political corruption etc. But honestly, I think it’s all down to rich people fucking things up…see below for some proposed fixes)

    Approaches that could fix this (good luck trying that in the arch-neoliberal EU):

    • ALL wealth above X amount simply gets taken from you. I know it’s complicated with shares in companies etc. But I’m sure where there’s a will there’s a way. Cap wealth at €100mil or whatever
    • inheritance tax becomes 99% above £1million
    • remuneration ratios: CEOs cannot earn more / hold more shares than 10x more than the lowest earning employee in the company. This has to include subsidiaries and 3rd parties, otherwise companies will just hire other companies to get around this

    The above and the fallout from it, would instantly free up money for public services, free education and healthcare and eradicate homelessnes. You wouldn’t need a UBI, if public services were good enough and well funded.

    Technically I’m far more radical in my opinions and think that housing should be declared a human right and all drugs legalised and all those fancy things, but honestly, it feels we have more pressing matters at hand, namely, inequality. Until that gets fixed, we can’t really progress as a society.

    My main worry here being that it can’t be done. I simply don’t see how, as a society, we will ever gain the cohesion to implement decisive action against the ruling classes. They have become untouchable and would rather burn the whole thing down than give an inch.